Page 124 of Curvy Dirty Omega

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“Lucy…” Were those grey eyes getting lighter or darker? It was hard to tell. “You’re never going to be alone again.”

She looked like she didn’t want to believe me, but there was desperate hope in her eyes replacing the devastation.

I grinned, glad she seemed to like the way I chose to show my love.

Licking the blood from the cut on her neck, I let her see everything I was – everything I could no longer hide. “I promise, Lucy. You’ll never be alone.”

“You can’t promise that,” she whispered, turning her head to brush her lips against mine.

“Mm. I know I can.” I let her taste her blood on my lips that was mixed with mine, knowing she’d never be able to forget it. “Do you want to know why?”

Her eyes couldn’t focus and she arched her back to urge me on, lost in the haze of her heat again, which was probably for the best, because…

“We’re never going to let you go, Lucy.”




This time when I woke up, I was surrounded by oranges, sharp apples, and vanilla with a hint of sandalwood and cedar. It was comforting and soothing enough I didn’t want to wake up, even if there was a prickle of anxiety in the back of my head.

My head felt foggy, but my body was finally cool and light – as if I’d been buried under a thousand pounds of lava and it was all finally gone. It was such a relief I felt tears prick my eyes and just barely managed to blink them away.

Liam’s arm was around my waist and his body was curled around me. Even his legs were all tangled up in mine as he slept. He was breathing so deeply I couldn’t help but wonder how long it had been since my last clear memory.

Fuck, I’d thought the way I’d felt in that car was the worst thing I’d ever experienced, but I’d been so very wrong.

The first twenty-four hours of my heat I was mostly lucid, but I didn’t remember many details or any conversations after what happened in the bathtub. The last clear memory I had was Cassius tying me up on the bed while Liam worked me into a frenzy.

Everything after that felt like a dream. I could remember bits and pieces, but there had been no sense of time. Just the dark room, the comfortable bed, Cas, and Liam.

I’d trusted them to do what needed to be done – fully, completely. I’d trusted them to take care of me no matter what that looked like.

This was why my father had been so adamant about avoiding sex with alphas. Because it was so easy to get addicted. I wasn’t stupid enough to think I’d been able to avoid it. Not when I was content in Liam’s arms while he slept with his hand on my stomach.

The way they looked at me was the most addicting thing on the planet and when my head was finally clear of their scent, I knew reality would shatter what was left of me. I would be forced to see everything had been nothing more than the obsession of an alpha exposed to an omega in heat.

Still, getting to experience this even if it was just once…

It was worth it.

Never had I experienced a heat like that. Not a single one had been that long or that intense, and the prickle of anxiety in the back of my head grew as I wondered just how long it had been.

My gut was telling me I didn’t want to know.

During my heat, time had no meaning when they kept me full and satisfied my every want and need. It was the only thing I could really remember. I’ve never been so out of it before, but I did know they’d made sure I was fed and hydrated whenever there was a lull. If it wasn’t that, they made sure I slept, but it hadn’t been much.

Every once in a while they’d take me to the shower. It had always turned into a fuckfest, but I’d been clean and whoever had stayed behind made sure the sheets were fresh and warm when I got back. Before the scent of our combined pheromones could ever weaken, whoever had disappeared came back to reassure me they were still there for me.

It was impressive really, just how well these two worked together. It was seamless and effortless. After that first time, I never had to worry when one disappeared because their pheromones were everywhere.

Even now, there were traces of Cassius’s scent all wrapped up in mine and Liam’s. It was strongest on my pillow and I breathed it in, ignoring the lurch in my stomach.

He may be gone, but based on the strength of the scent it hadn’t been for long. I highly doubted he’d left the house, but it was quiet enough to make me worry. Was he sleeping in the other room?

I carefully removed my hand from Liam’s and let out a shaky breath.
