Page 3 of Curvy Dirty Omega

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No one would have ever guessed we’d get along, not after her father had put mine away for multiple murders, but she’d taken one look at me in that courtroom and crossed the aisle to wrap her arms around me. Somehow, she’d sensed my growing panic the moment I realized a room full of adult strangers were staring at me.

The daughter of an omega serial killer.

Betrayal was a bitter taste on the back of my tongue, even now. It still infuriated me I hadn’t noticed – that I hadn’t seen any signs. I should have figured it out sooner, but he’d known me so well.

Frankie had perfumed the day my father was taken away to prison for life. It was way too early considering her age, but her body had recognized my faint omega scent and reacted so that the strong scent of alpha erased all the other scents in the courtroom with hers to ease my panic.

Citrusy, just like that boy’s, but different. He’d been more like sweet oranges, and she was all tangerines with the underlying note of lavender, accented with cinnamon.

I couldn’t help but wonder what that boy’s scent had evolved into. Would it be sweeter like hers, or sharper?

Based on his personality…

Honestly, I shouldn’t try to guess. Knowing my luck, that boy was probably a murderer now too.



The sounds of the city around us became muted as I absently tried to remember that boy’s face for the millionth time. We made our way down the street, my steps slowing when the rain started pouring even harder. Frankie pulled me in close, used to my long silences.

That boy had begged me not to forget him before leaving to wherever it was his parents insisted he had to go, but I’d found out later there were no records of that boy attending my school when I’d gone to look. It was like he’d never existed.

A figment of my imagination.

At least, that’s what I’d believe if I didn’t have proof he existed.

That boy had sworn he’d find me when he got back – when it was safe. Whatever that meant. I had a few suspicions, but without a lead I’d never know for sure.

Back in middle school, neither of us had perfumed yet, but I distinctly remember how he smelled a bit like citrus, even if it was just the barest hint of what his scent would become when he went through puberty in a few years.

The day he left, his scent was stronger than usual, as if the rain had brought out the scent of sweet oranges to comfort me when I was sad. We’d been so young, but even at twelve years old, I’d hoped we’d be compatible after we settled into our designations.

There was just something about him…

One day, I waited for him after school, but he never showed up. It had scared me when he was always so diligent during the week. I clearly remembered the way the dark sky had felt like a warning as I’d searched for him everywhere I could think of.

I eventually found him on a bus bench, looking miserable. He’d had an umbrella with him, but he’d let the rain drench his hair and clothes. When I’d gotten close enough, it was easy to see why. For once, I’d been quick enough to pick up on something obscure, and I had managed to do him the favor of pretending those tears on his perfect skin were nothing more than rain.

His voice had been sullen when he’d told me we wouldn’t be able to see each other anymore – that he was being sent away to a special school across the country.

Seeing him cry that day…I’d done the only thing I could think of to make sure he’d never forget about me. I’d run back to my house as fast as I could, not having the words to really explain what I was doing, afraid he’d tell me no.

By the time I’d made it back with the small fishbowl, his eyes were swollen and puffy, but they’d lit up the second he saw me again.

My axolotl had just had babies, and I gave him one of those precious creatures as a farewell present, trusting him to take care of it the same way I would have.

They could live up to fifteen years old in captivity and every time it rained, I wondered if that axolotl was still alive, reminding him of me the way that rainy days reminded me of him.

It was a long time ago, but I’d never forgotten him. His name though? Even if he’d told me his real name, I wouldn’t have been able to remember it long enough to write it down before I forgot. I couldn’t remember what his face looked like either—couldn’t imagine what it might look like, which was somehow worse than completely forgetting about him.

And every record of him attending that school had disappeared. None of the faculty would say a word either.

Shaking my head to dispel the melancholy thoughts, I tried to remind myself that none of it mattered. I wasn’t that little girl anymore.

What if he’d settled as an alpha? There was no way I could never be the kind of omega he would want.

Frankie led us toward Valor Enterprises and I refocused on the task at hand, wondering if we could really pull this off.
