Page 50 of Curvy Dirty Omega

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That was a relief at least. If the doctor had been an omega, this would have been a million times more difficult.

Ironically, omega doctors were far less empathetic than betas.

“Ms. Parker, I’d like to get your blood pressure and then I’ll need to do a few blood tests if that’s okay with you.” His voice was nice, but clinical.

I kept my eyes on the ceiling but offered him my right arm.

The door opened again and I turned my head to see Liam leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. Even in a T-shirt and jeans, he looked beautiful – like he should be in an ad for everything he was wearing.

I turned back to the ceiling as the doctor did what he needed to do. The pinch of the needle barely even registered and the sensation of getting my blood taken was familiar enough to ignore.

Who the fuck did Liam think he was to take me into his home? He’d even called his personal doctor to have a look at me, and stood in my doorway to watch instead of at least giving me the illusion of privacy.

God, I hated him.

I hated alphas for always thinking they knew better – for telling us all we were nothing without them. They never had to say it in so many words since it was always painfully clear what they thought by their actions.

“When was your last heat?” the doctor asked in a soft and gentle tone.

“Three years ago.”

The silence that followed that statement was suffocating.

“Any other symptoms you’ve been having?”

I appreciated his professionalism, but I just wanted him to hurry the fuck up so I could get dressed and leave. “Alpha pheromones don’t affect me. Not even a legacy alpha’s pheromones.”

Other than Liam’s apparently.

“At all?”

“If they try to force me to submit, I can get pheromone sickness a few hours later which presents as dizziness, headaches, migraines, and nausea. Otherwise, no.” I didn’t dare glance at Liam. “Until yesterday, Frankie was the only person who could calm me down, but Mr. Valor was able to help me while she was working.”

I had to make sure to keep that distance between us.

Liam Valor was the son of my client and my point of contact. I was here to find out who’d killed his brother and why, not get myself a new alpha when I didn’t even want one. Whatever he thought was going on, he was wrong.

“What about Cassius Valentine?” the doctor asked.

His question surprised me enough I finally turned to look at him. “What about him?”

“Liam informed me Cassius used his pheromones with you as well. How did that go?” It was disturbing how innocent the doctor looked as he asked me that question, like he couldn’t possibly understand why this was a problem.

So, it hadn’t just been Liam, but Cassius too?

I looked back up the ceiling and tried to remember exactly what had happened, but I’d fallen asleep in Liam’s arms. Cassius had been at my back to keep me from running away, and I vaguely remembered the scent of his sharp apple joining Liam’s sweet oranges, but those added pheromones hadn’t made me sick to my stomach.

No, they’d been just as comforting as Liam’s.

“I don’t remember,” I murmured, hoping they would all just leave it at that. “If I didn’t throw up, then I guess it was fine.”

How was I going to avoid these two now? I had to work closely with Liam if not Cassius. Would he try to use his pheromones on me now that he knew they worked?

That others didn’t?

“That should be it for now,” the doctor told me as he placed a bandage over the tiny spot where he’d drawn my blood. “I’ll get this processed and we should have some answers in a few hours.”

“Good luck,” I muttered, pressing down on my arm to make sure the bleeding stopped. “I take it you want all my medical records too?”
