Page 55 of Curvy Dirty Omega

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Pulling the thin adhesive away from his skin as fast as I could was pretty anticlimactic. Liam didn’t react at all even though it had to sting. I didn’t immediately smell his pheromones either.

“Now the other side,” he instructed, taking my free hand and placing it over his neck. “I’ve already taken suppressants so they won’t be as intense as they normally are.”

That explained why he was standing here so calmly when Frankie had such a hard time with my pheromones.

I peeled the adhesive off slower this time, annoyed that he’d taken suppressants. “How are we going to solve the mystery if your potency isn’t the same as it normally is? It gives us an inaccurate baseline.”

Liam smirked. “Are you saying you want the full strength of my pheromones without testing them first? Seems a bit reckless, Ms. Parker.”

I glared at him, annoyed he could be so petty when he wanted to be. “Fine, but if I don’t react, then we have to do this again when your suppressants have worn off.”

His smirk widened and I blinked, entranced by the sharpness of his canines. Every line on his face was as sharp as those teeth and suddenly, all I could think about was what it would feel like if he sank those teeth into my neck.

Would he tear out my throat? Would he enjoy the taste of my blood on his tongue? Maybe he wouldn’t, but there was a chance he would, now that he finally looked like the dangerous predator he was.

Cassius always appeared dangerous, even when he was wearing his office attire, and I was pretty sure that was because he relied on the fact that he went unnoticed most of the time.

But Liam? He was always in the spotlight and he’d found a way to soften his harshness – the glint in his eyes that wasn’t usually there took my breath away, and I realized he and Cassius looked identical.

Not physically exactly. It was difficult to explain.

Cassius was roughly the same size as Liam. They both had huge shoulders and muscular backs that tapered into a waist that looked slimmer than I felt like it should considering the way his shirt hugged every muscle.

Their shirts were tailored and they shared clothes but it wasn’t that either.

Cassius also had these psychotic blue eyes that always mesmerized me. They promised all kinds of things – things normal people would never quite understand or notice. Cassius Valentine was hungry all the time, but he shoved it down and ignored it like it didn’t exist.

That burning hunger shone so brightly because his eyes were blue, not red, and so people dismissed him. He was quiet with no scent and no trace of pheromones lingering on him. Ever. Until he’d squashed those policemen like bugs.

Even from outside, I’d smelled it and the way my body had reacted shook me to my core. I’d wanted to choke on him – not his pheromones, but his cock.

Liam, on the other hand, had this white-blond hair that made him look angelic despite his dark brows. Long, dark eyelashes and warm red eyes softened his look. He usually kept his deep voice gentle as well and his suits were smart – screaming wealth and efficiency.

But right now, his hair was falling in his eyes just like Cassius’s did and the garnet was gleaming with the same predatory hunger until it was consuming him. Even the line of his jaw seemed sharper somehow and his skin may be soft, but every muscle was tensed like he was doing his best not to slam me to the floor and take a bite out of me.

I wanted him to though. I wanted him to sink those teeth into my thigh and rip until we were both covered in blood. His teeth in my throat as he fucked me to pieces…

There was definitely something wrong with me and it wasn’t Liam’s fault.

“We can do this as many times as you want,” Liam murmured as he settled both of his hands on the sides of my neck just like he had the night before. “Today I took the suppressants for me. Not you. I wanted to make sure I wouldn’t do anything I’d regret before I got used to your pheromones.”

He made himself sound like such a gentleman, but the fact that I was here in his house wearing nothing but his shirt said otherwise.

Why I didn’t want to get dressed before doing this though was a different problem entirely.

“And your scent is very tempting,” Liam admitted. “Taking them was the only choice in this situation. If I happen to be wrong about what you are, they may be the only reason you don’t lose your mind when I release my own pheromones.”

I tossed the scent blockers in the small trash can near the door and arched an eyebrow up at him. “Is it necessary for you to be touching me during this little experiment?”

“No, it’s not, but your pheromones are heavy enough to alter my scent. I’m hoping this will keep that from happening.” His smirk turned into a grin as his grip on my neck tightened. “Are you ready for me to begin?”

I nodded, feeling dazed as I tried to wrap my brain around the simple admission that his pheromones were altered by mine. That meant…

A hint of sweet oranges tickled my nose before the vanilla and sandalwood registered. The smell was pleasant, but not overpowering. I didn’t feel compelled to do anything, but some of the burning in my wrist eased.

The scent was a bit too soft to get a real sense of what he could do and I took a step closer to see if that would help.

Closing my eyes, I breathed in his pheromones. It was probably the stupidest thing I’ve ever done, but I wanted to get this experiment over with already. I wanted to prove him wrong and move on with my life.
