Page 59 of Curvy Dirty Omega

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“I want to look into Francesca Lopez.”

My eyebrows nearly hit my hairline.

Cassius almost never asked me for permission to start an investigation. His instincts were better than mine when it came to this kind of shit, but this time he’d asked for my authorization. Maybe not in so many words, but there’d be no other reason for him to be here in person instead of just calling me.

He thought I was going to say no.

“Is there a reason for that, or is this just the usual digging?”

“She’s from a legacy pack. I don’t trust that she’s not working the long game.” Cassius crossed his arms over his chest and practically glared at me. “She has access to everything now, thanks to you. What if she takes it to her father?”

The thought had crossed my mind, but it was extremely unlikely. “She won’t.”

“What the fuck, Lee. Why are you so goddamn sure about this?”

“Frankie would never do anything to put Lucy in danger.” It was the one thing we agreed on and one of only two reasons I was going to let her live when all this was over.

I don’t like sharing with other alphas. So sue me. I wasn’t the only fucking alpha like this, but I was probably the only one who wanted her to like another alpha enough she’d suck his cock while riding me.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

“I still want to investigate.” Cassius pursed his lips and looked away.

“Just say it, Cas.”

“It’s way too convenient she was the one assigned to Gideon’s case. I’d say it was just a coincidence if their agency wasn’t a subsidiary of Lopez Innovations.”

He did have a point there. We couldn’t write off any possibility until we knew for sure who was behind Gideon’s murder. Frankie might like Lucy, but there was no guarantee her father did. Why else wouldn’t he adopt her into the family?

Sure, he was a very well-known lawyer who had put her father away for life, but the public would have loved him for taking in the daughter of a serial killer. Honestly, I’m surprised he didn’t do that right away.

But then I would have known where she was, which meant her omega father would also know where she was if he ever managed to get out of prison.

Not that I’d ever let that happen.

“You have my permission to investigate her, but don’t take any action without asking me first,” I warned him. “And don’t let it interfere with the detectives’ work.”

Cas snorted instead of answering. Obviously, he would never make more work for himself if he could help it. “Did you read Parker’s medical files yet?”

“Did you?”

“I did. Before I sent them to you.” Cas didn’t look the least bit sorry about it either.

“I read them all,” I admitted. What the fuck else was I supposed to do with an omega sleeping on my chest for the last hour? “Do you have any opinions?”


My jaw clenched when he didn’t elaborate and Lucy sighed, her breath skittering across my bare chest. Pressing a kiss to her forehead was harmless. The urge to sink my teeth around her trachea though…

I wanted my mark to grace her skin in one of the few places she wasn’t tattooed to ensure everyone could see it.

“I’m curious if your thoughts match mine,” I admitted, smiling at Cas when I rolled into her. Pulling the blanket down didn’t wake her up and I grinned when his gaze flicked to her bare thighs before resettling on me. “Tell me what you think, Cassius.”

Pressing my hand to her lower back made the shirt she was wearing ride up and the curve of her ass cheeks peeked out. Cas didn’t look but the tendons in his neck tightened when he clenched his jaw.

“I think she perfumed too young due to psychological trauma. It affected her pheromone levels and made her recessive as a defense mechanism. No pheromones to detect means less danger from alphas.”

Cassius also knew her real name as he’d spent the last fifteen years helping me look for her. So, he knew exactly why she’d perfumed early, but that wasn’t enough to explain what was going on with her. Not really. Her mother’s death had been shocking, but I’d been there when that happened. Lucy hadn’t perfumed until a year later.
