Page 77 of Curvy Dirty Omega

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But I hadn’t been apart from her for this long in years.

I knew we had an abnormal friendship, but our lives were so intertwined by this point that we rarely did anything without each other, and all of a sudden it was Liam who was trying to fill the emptiness inside me instead of Frankie. It felt so much worse too, now that I was being forced to consider how I was going to keep everything I’d worked so hard for if these new symptoms were going to stick around.

There was a strong possibility I’d have to stay behind a desk until I was bonded to an alpha if I couldn’t get it under control and I hated that more than anything.

I really needed to go see that doctor and find out if he had any answers.

Out of all the specialists I’d seen, Nathan seemed to be the one most likely to help me, which I was still trying to wrap my brain around since I’d given up on any kind of solution a long time ago.

Could Liam be right? Was I actually a dominant omega, and if I were, was there some way to confirm that?

Maybe there was a test to determine the range of an omega’s pheromones just like there was with alphas, but I doubted it was that well known or more people would know that such a thing existed.

The vehicle came to an abrupt stop and Liam put the car in park. Somehow the sun was already setting. We weren’t at his house in the city or Valor Enterprises either.

He got out of the car and slammed the door shut before I could ask him anything.

I watched as he walked around toward the passenger side door.

Even the way he walked was dominating – as if he expected every single thing on this planet to get out of his way or he’d make them…

It was such a contrast to his usual fairytale prince persona that I braced myself, not sure what to expect. He didn’t yank open my door exactly, but it was a bit more forceful than usual and I stared up at him, trying to figure out what the hell was going on, but Liam only offered me his hand, not an explanation.

Honestly, I was too out of it to care anymore. As long as I didn’t have to interact with anyone else or make any decisions, I would go along with whatever he wanted to do. My thoughts were just too scattered to do anything else.

Grabbing my purse, I took his hand and let him link my arm through his.

Matching his pace was easy when he adjusted his stride for me as if he were always aware of every tiny little thing I did. I wanted to thank him, but I was too annoyed at how good he was at all this.

Exactly how many omegas had he done this for?

None of these feelings of possession and jealousy would be choking me if it weren’t for him.

Car keys were handed to a faceless valet and Liam led me around a fancy building to a back entrance. It was strange enough I felt that damning curiosity prick at me through all the emotions I was experiencing.

Then I realized this place was a restaurant, but not just any restaurant.

No, something so mundane would never do for Liam Valor.

Instead, he’d brought us to the hottest new fusion place that took reservations a year in advance and never had any openings. Normal people couldn’t eat here and even if they did manage to get a spot, they’d never be able to afford it.

I was pretty sure they even charged for the air in this place considering how many people were inside and yet there hadn’t been a single report of anyone ever getting pheromone sick here.

I looked up at Liam, wondering why he’d take me to Bite of all places instead of just ordering something in like we did last time, but the way those garnet eyes glittered dangerously made all my questions on the matter disappear.

“Lucy, would you like me to deal with Melinda for you?” Liam opened the door and the elegant warmth from inside the building was almost enough to distract me from his question.

“Whatever you’re thinking, no. She’s pregnant.”

“Did you just say Melinda is pregnant?” Liam demanded, shutting the door in someone’s face before pushing me back against a wall.

I didn’t even dare breathe with him this close when he looked like he was on the verge of committing violence.

Damn it, I really needed to think before I opened my big fat mouth.

Clearing my throat, I nodded. “I can’t be sure without a test obviously, but there’s a milky scent that clings to her skin. It’s something I’ve only smelled on someone who’s pregnant or nursing.”

“Is that why you’re upset?” Liam clenched his jaw and looked away from me to study the empty street like he might just murder me here and didn’t want any witnesses.
