Page 89 of Curvy Dirty Omega

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Liam’s pheromones hadn’t just affected one legacy alpha – they’d nearly destroyed every single person here.

How was this possible?

His hand covered my eyes and pressed my face back to his neck. “Just so you know, Lucy, I’d wipe out every pack in the city to keep you safe if I had to. Even my own.”

I let him cover my eyes and carry me through the restaurant to wherever he wanted to take me. The fact that I didn’t once try to fight him should have terrified me.

Liam Valor had an insanely deadly aura that could literally kill someone, and yet…

I’d never felt safer.



I clenched my jaw and shifted gears, taking the turn way too fast, but if I stayed in this car with her for much longer I was going to lose control. Between the intoxicating scent of my omega in heat and her blood-soaked clothes, more of it dripping down her chin…

Fuck me, my hands were actually shaking.

That I’d gotten her into the car without fucking her right there in that restaurant was a goddamn miracle. The only thing keeping me from doing just that was the tiny sliver of reason that remained. She’d never forgive me if I did that.

I nearly snapped the steering wheel off when I took the next turn, the back end of my sports car drifting before I shifted again, breaking about ten traffic laws in the last mile if not more. Lucy was so out of it she didn’t even react.

This was bad. So very bad.

Taking out my phone, I selected the contact at the top and glanced over at her – instantly regretting it. Lucy was shivering and covered in blood. Her hands were balled into fists, clutching onto the fabric of her skirt. She stared down at them without really seeing anything and her entire body was rigid.

Despite the pheromones of an omega in heat, she didn’t look like one at all. No, I was pretty fucking sure she was in shock.

I’d never seen anything quite like this before, not with the insanely strong pheromones she was producing.

Legacy alpha genes gave me the ability to resist my baser instincts better than most, and I’d never been tempted by an omega in heat the same way other alphas were, but Lucy? She was mine, and her scent was making my head buzz like I was drunk or high.

The only reason I was able to hold back was because that was what she needed – she needed me to fix this somehow.

Arturo Lopez was going to die a slow death, but not before he watched every single Lopez die before him. Maybe then he’d lose his mind the same way I was losing mine.

Thank fuck she seemed to have some control over her heat symptoms despite how hard she was breathing and the obvious pain on her face. Otherwise, I’d pull over and fuck her right here and now.

Cassius answered the phone on the fourth ring and I cut him off before he could say anything to make this any harder than it already was. “Drop whatever you’re doing and get over to Nathan as fast as you can. He has suppressants and sedatives waiting. Then call the pack to deal with what happened at Bite. Someone else can handle it because I need you back at the house now. Lucy’s in heat.”

“Liam, you can’t sedate her through a heat.”

“It’s for me, not her.” I hung up before Cas could argue some more and tossed the phone into the cupholder.

Without a sedative…

My canines were already aching. If things kept escalating, I might just bite her and form a bond without her consent. Then we’d really be fucked.

I was holding onto my sanity by a shred. The urge to kill everything to keep her safe was riding me just as hard as the urge to fuck her into oblivion until every single one of her pores oozed my scent, but thankfully, the rage was winning or I’d have ruined everything.

The second we were in range, I tapped the button for the garage door, swerving around the last corner and right into the underground garage. The car screeched to a halt when I slammed on the brakes.

Entering the code for the door to unlock the alarm system almost sent me right over the edge. Never in my fucking life had I regretted all my security measures, but now I wanted to rip it all out just to speed things along.

The second the car was off I tossed the keys into the cupholder with my phone and got out, taking a deep breath of clean air.

Jesus, her pheromones were fucking intense.
