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The tension lifts as he heads out of the office, and I can’t help but smile.

“Thank you, Eli, for doing all this.” Eli comes around his desk to stand in front of me. I have to look up because he is a fair bit taller than me.

“My little lilac, I would do more than just this for you. You are the mother of my pup and my true mate. I desire to protect you, and maybe you will let me love you one day.”

His hazel eyes bore into mine. My breathing becomes shallow and the heat from his body starts to seep into mine. He slowly starts to lower his head. I’m so caught up in the moment I don’t hear the office door open. In walks a man and a woman I haven’t seen before. I step back, putting some much-needed distance between us, and try to catch my breath.

“Mom. Dad. Good to see you.” Eli goes over and kisses and hugs his parents. Maddie has finally noticed all the people and starts toddling over to me. She lifts her arms, asking to be picked up, which is always so cute and endearing. With Maddie on my hip, I turn to see the new guests. Eli’s mom has blonde hair in a single braid hanging down her back. Her hazel eyes sparkle as they take me and Maddie in. She is a pretty typical she-wolf with a sturdy frame, but she instantly puts me at ease with her kind smile. I feel like she will be a nice person to be around. Looking at Eli’s father, however, I don’t see a smile, but a scowl. Their whole family shares hazel eyes and shades of blonde hair. Eli’s father crosses his arms and spreads his legs, standing in a defensive position. Immediately, I take a few steps back, trying to get out of his line of sight; thankfully, he turns to his son to ask a question.

“Who’s this, Eli?”

“This is Quinn and Maddie.”

“I thought you were going to pick up your potential mate yesterday, not bring in an old conquest.” Old conquest? He must recognize me from the night of the peace talks, but was he even there?

“Show some respect, Dad; Quinn was the one I was talking to. Seluna brought her back to me.”

“Son, you promised the Elders you would finally settle down and find a strong Luna to solidify your power in this pack. Bringing in an old conquest, which you publicly rejected, I might add, does not show the pack you are serious about keeping the leadership strong—keeping this pack strong. You messed around for years. It’s time to settle down and have a strong Alpha family. Couldn’t you have found someone who didn’t have a pup? It would be better for the pack that way, start fresh, not bring in someone else's pup to raise.”

His words seem to burn me as they pour out of his mouth. I have so many questions, like how many people were there over the years? I shouldn’t be jealous, but a spike of it rises in my chest. Also, does he not realize I was his true mate? Or am I his true mate? I thought everyone knew he rejected his true mate, but maybe they didn’t. Does that make me feel better or worse?

This is why I was afraid; I didn't want to be rejected again. I never wanted to feel this way again, and I certainly never wanted Maddie to ever feel this way. Eli is getting angry; he seems to be getting larger by the minute, and a deep growl starts to rumble in his chest. Before he can say anything, the woman turns on the man.

“Bradley Vale! How dare you insult this poor woman! You get off your high horse and check yourself if you are also implying that having a child makes her any less valuable!”

Eli starts walking over to Brad, and in a low, deep voice, he says:

“For your information, old man, this IS my child, flesh and blood. If you ever disrespect my daughter or Quinn again, I don’t care if you are my father; I will put you in your place. I am your Alpha, and I do not answer to you!”

Eli is seething. Brad doesn’t seem to want to back down, but he doesn’t antagonize him further.

“I’ll see you at home, Darlene; I’m going for a run.” With that, he turns and leaves the office. A single tear slides down my face because this is all too much. I hoped to meet someone I could fall in love with, not relive some old memories or get judged by other shifters. Maddie has her head tucked into my neck, likely feeling the tension in the room. Darlene turns to me with an apologetic expression on her face. Eli doesn’t move. I can’t see his face, but he is likely trying to control his wolf right now. Darlene walks over to Maddie and me, wearing a timid smile. Like any quick movement might make us run. Maybe she's not wrong.

“I am so sorry about my mate. He can be a prick sometimes.”


“I’m Darlene Vale, Eli’s mother, and I am so excited to meet you!”

“Um, hi. I’m Quinn, and this is Maddie. Though I guess you already know that.”

She places her hand on my back and ushers me over to the couch in the office.

“I’m so happy you’re here. Eli has told me all about how you connected on that app; he hasn’t been this happy in years.”

I don’t know what to say to that, because it was the happiest I had been, too. Maddie starts to relax a little, so she lifts up her head to look at Darlene.

“You are a beautiful little one, aren’t you!”


That makes me laugh. Maddie has far more confidence than I do at two and a half.

“This is Pengy.” She waves around her stuffed penguin.

“I love it!” Darlene turns to Eli, who has moved very close to Maddie and me.

“Is it true? She is yours?” she looks back at me now, and I am not sure what Eli wants to say, but I want to stop being mute and speak for myself.

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