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It’s a simple command, but I give him what he wants. “Fuck me, baby,” I breathe out hard, the sweat trickling down the base of my spine. “Fuck me till it hurts.”

I feel him stiffen, his massive cock never losing a beat, his tongue tracing my neck. “Whose pussy is this?” he growls, thumping me harder and harder, reaching a place inside I didn’t think possible.

“Tell now, Quinn,” he growls again. “Who does this pussy belong to?”

“You, Eli!” I scream, exasperated, unable to stop cumming all over his inches and inches of pleasure. “It’s your pussy, baby; it’s all yours.”

Chapter 11 - Quinn

I realized this morning that Maddie had one pull-up left, and I got my period and didn’t have any supplies, so a trip to the store was in order, but that doesn’t seem to be a great idea, according to Eli. Standing beside Eli as he straps Maddie into the car seat.

“I don’t like this, Quinn. We can go later today to get the pull-ups for Maddie. Or I can go into town and get it for you.” After kissing Maddie’s head, he closes the SUV door and stands before me. Even though we are still working through everything, our bond is pulling tighter. I give in by stepping into his space and touching his chest. He leans into me and lets out a breath I’m sure he’s been holding for a while.

“I know, but I’m going to be with Dean. We will just get some pull-ups for Maddie and a few toiletry items. That's it. Be back before anyone knows what's happening.”

“I can get all that; you don't have to go into town. I don’t like not knowing where Jake is or what he has planned, and even going into town is a risk.”

Everything is a risk these days, but I need to do this to feel like I haven't lost all control; besides, it should be fine. It’s not common for the Clearwater pack to visit Twilight Meadows; they prefer to go to another town for their shopping. The packs only cross paths when the Clearwater pack sends their kids to the high school because it’s the closest one to pack land. Besides, I may have slept with Eli twice, but there are just some things a girl needs to take care of on her own. I'm not ready for him to go and get me tampons…yeah, no, not yet.

“We’ll be careful. I’ll text when we get there and when we head home.” Leaning down, he places his forehead on mine and takes a deep breath. His affection and protectiveness warm me in the way a lover does. He turns his steely gaze on Dean, his Beta.

“Protect them with your life.”

“I will.” He is solemn, like it’s some covenant. I just want to go to the store. It's not that risky. Eli opens the front door for me and buckles me in, because now I’m incapable of doing that…damn it, why does it make me feel cared for? Maddie chats away in the back seat while we wait for Dean to climb into the SUV. Eli and Dean have some words that look intense, but then Dean walks away and gets in the driver's seat. Pulling away, I see Eli out of the side window; he is still standing there, arms crossed, watching us leave.

“Don’t hold it against him. He would prefer to be the one doing this errand. Plus, you guys aren’t mated, so that’s riding him hard. Add on top of that Jake’s jackassy, and you have a very pissed-off Eli Vale.”

I can’t help but snort at his description of Jake.

“I know…but we can’t be locked away hoping we will find some information that will get us ahead of him. Either way, I’m not completely inept at survival. I lasted this long on my own, didn’t I?”

Dean looks over at me with a thoughtful glance. I’m not sure what he is looking for, but whatever it is, he decides to talk about it.

“Eli isn’t the only one that regrets that night.” A bit taken aback, I look at Dean in confusion. Is he talking about the night of the peace talks?

“Eli was ready to run away with you in tow…I convinced him he should stay to fight another day.”

I’m not sure what I’m hearing. Was he saying Eli was going to leave all of this, his pack, to be with me, and it was Dean who stopped him? Eli loves his pack; I can’t imagine him doing that. But do I get mad at Dean for what happened? The more I learn about that night, the more I realize how much I didn’t know or see. Sure, Eli rejected me, but so much of what he has chosen to do in the past few years has been to find me, get me back, or build a better and safer pack.

“Does that mean I should be mad at you instead of him?”

“If I knew you could do that and forgive Eli, I would say yes in a heartbeat. Eli has always been a man of respect and honor, always doing the right thing. He was beside himself, knowing he was going to lose you. But he also knew our old Alpha would drive our pack into the ground. This damn feud was costing more and more lives, and the longer the old Alpha and Jake went head-to-head, the more the pack would suffer. Our pack didn't need an Alpha who craved control and power; we needed a leader to bring stability to our territory. We are a very formidable pack, and one of the strongest in this part of the country. Left in the hands of the old Alpha, who knows what would have happened. Eli was loved by the pack and still is. He knew just as I did that we needed new leadership. He was the only one who could take on the old Alpha and win—admittedly, I was afraid that if he left, the pack would struggle, more wolves would go rogue, and well, you know what happens when packs fall apart.”

I do. We all know about how infighting rips people and families apart. Rogue wolves aren’t good at the best times, but add multiples in a single area, and death and carnage ensue. Rogue wolves can't control their instincts and anger, acting without thinking. I have heard of stories where good shifters have killed families because they have lost all their senses; they had no clue the people they were fighting were their own kin.

“Thanks for telling me.”

“Of course.”

The remainder of the trip was silent. I have so many thoughts rolling around in my head trying to carry on a conversation would have been impossible. The problem is once your trust is broken, it's hard to get back, but…would I be stupid to not consider the other side of things? Yes. Does that make the pain go away or lessen what happened? No. This is something I need to think about.

Pulling into the grocery store's parking lot, I refocus, because I need to get some pull-ups right now, so that's what I will do. Grabbing Maddie from the backseat, I place her on my hip and walk into the store with Dean. The pull-ups are easy enough to find, and so are the tampons. I want to make supper tonight since Eli has been generous enough to buy out most nights. Spaghetti and meatballs seem easy enough, and Maddie loves it, so I set off to grab some pasta.

“Quinn Sullivan.”

It feels like a bucket of ice has been poured over my head. I freeze in place, because that voice brings back a different time in my life, one that I have been running from for years. Slowly, I turn around and come face to face with Niam Blackwood and Felix Adams. Perceptive eyes stare at me and then at Maddie. I move my body immediately in front of Maddie to protect her, creating a human shield. If these jackasses try to get to my baby girl, I will fight with everything I have. Dean shouldn’t be too far away; he just ran to grab something and said he would be right back. My heart is beating so hard it feels like it might burst out of my chest.

“Well, would you look at that. When the Alpha said to look out for little lost Quinn, who knew we would find her so quickly, eh Felix?”
