Page 12 of Faker

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“That’s the plan,” I counter, as my lip tilts up slightly in one corner, and I like the way she inhales deeply, her breasts moving up and down. I can’t wait to have them covered in sweat or cum, while I fuck her until she is begging me to stop. A shiver goes through her, and I can’t help it when I try to smile, my scars making it a little hard. Her eyebrow arches like a dare.

“Really, kitten, this is your move?” I start to laugh, and it sounds a little crazy. I like how her eyes widen in panic. I’ve never been this hard in my life.

I’m usually not like this, I don’t do foreplay. I fuck them and leave the first chance I get. I make them come and that’s it. We both have a good time, it’s meaningless. With her, I’ve been hard ever since she walked into my place, and having her here in this bathroom is making me more possessive than I already am. It killed me to let her out of my sight. I hovered outside the bathroom door, thinking up excuses to get inside. When I heard her scream, I knew that was my chance. She makes me laugh, and I haven’t laughed in a long time.

This girl—hell, woman—is a mess, but she’s my mess, echoes through my head. I’m literally going to kiss her and make it all better. I laugh at the thought, and she flinches. What can I do to not have her scared shitless every time I make a sound? I’m not that scary. I sigh, maybe I am? I’m the one they fear the most out of the six of us, my way of handling things is better though, might be bloodier but that’s the way I like it. My brothers are always telling me I’m too cold, maybe I am, but I can’t get attached to anyone or anything except the cat. I’m keeping the little bastard, and her, I think, don’t know how, but we’ll pass that bridge once we get there. Or I’ll make sure she can’t ever cross it without me.

I lean back a little and watch her. Her eyes are closed, and she stopped shaking the moment my hand landed on her hip. It took everything in my power not to turn her around and admire her ass before I fucked her good. What I like is the way she talks back to me. She’s dangerous and doesn’t know it. The way she smiles does things to my cold heart, and when a laugh slipped from her lips, warmth I haven’t felt before spread through my body. My time to be scared. I don’t need anyone to crack open my cold heart. It’s been shut closed all these years for a damn reason. Why can’t I fuck Storm and be done with it? Why am I taking my time with her when I can easily drag her into my bedroom and screw her any way I please? Because I want her to like me, echoes through my head.

I swear, and she opens her eyes, the startled deer in the headlights look not leaving her gaze. I want to know about the fuckers she’s had before, and what the hell is this feeling I get when I imagine her with someone else? As I tighten my grip on her waist thinking about it, she keeps taunting me with those big eyes. I don’t like it, but I want to know. I pinch her side; I love how her flesh feels. She isn’t like the usual girls I fuck who are nothing but bones, but still, she needs to eat more. With her, I like how my hand leaves a print on her flushed skin. I wonder what else I can do to her to make her blush like this? And her ass is all round and thick, ready to sink my teeth into. I grin at the thought, and she cringes again, but not as much as she first did.

She keeps staring at me like she’s searching for the human inside. I’m sorry to tell you, baby, this is all the me you’re going to get. She isn’t scared by my scars, and I like she isn’t fazed when she focuses on me. The military hardened me, but running our empire with the six of us, and the way we are expanding and acquiring more territories, the scars stacked up. She’s the first one who hasn’t looked away from my face. Usually, when people, especially women, see my scars, they can’t stand the sight.

I’m scum, even if we run in higher circles now. Our money is new and dirty, and the one percent knows it. Their daughters don’t seem to mind screwing us. Or letting us screw them. They are empty shells who like to shop and hang around in coffee shops with their girlfriends. Not like this little hustler standing in front of me. She may not have money or anything to her name, but those other women don’t compare to her.

She keeps staring at me, and I frown at her, which she matches. Okay, baby, it’s on. She is different, she treats me like a real fucking human being, not like some image they concocted in their heads. They always leave disappointed when they get to know the real me. Darkness has been my friend for so long. She’s the light I’m not going to let in. I can’t, and I won’t. I’ve got enough blood on my hands. I like the moonlight, it’s easier this way. You can hide things in the dark. The light exposes everything. But I want to drag her into the darkness with me. I wonder if she’ll scream when I take her there.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” she asks, her voice a small whisper. I hadn’t noticed I was staring so intently at her. There is no one except the cat. And my brothers by blood, but that’s a story for a different time. I want her. And I’m keeping her for as long as I want. Did she have anyone before me? Jealousy makes me see fucking red, and I tighten my grip on her waist.

“Tell me what you like,” I demand, and I hate I can’t hide the want in my voice.

She scowls at me. I like those strong brows knitting together. “I’m not telling you.”

“Yes, you are,” I bite out, and I want to punch myself in the face for how harsh I sound. I don’t want to scare her away, but contrary to what she might believe, I’m never going to tell her this. A month is all I’m getting with her, and after it’s done, this is over.

“I don’t know,” she says, her voice small and timid.

My turn to draw my brows together. “You’re not planning on telling me? We made a deal, remember?” My voice is smooth and low.

“I know, trust me, I do, that’s why I’m standing naked in your freaking bathroom right now.” She holds her hands up, and when they brush my arms, warmth fills me. Fuck this if her touch can do this to me. I can only imagine what she will feel like wrapped around my cock. Leaning forward, I softly brush my lips over hers and watch her eyes widen, a breath escaping from her lips. Damn, she tastes good.

“Tell me the truth,” I say, trailing my lips against her ear.

She shivers when I press my chest against hers and those hard nipples touch mine. I almost come right against her leg. This hasn’t happened to me since… ever.

“I was drunk,” she whispers, her hands landing on my stomach, trying to create some distance between us, but I won’t let her. I have plans with her in this shower. I’m going to make her shatter with my fingers and watch her come. Slowly, I move my hand from her waist down to her pussy. I love she isn’t shaved like the others, and I like it even better when she opens her legs a little. She probably doesn’t know she’s doing it, it means she’s attracted to me too.

“Continue,” I order, and she moans the moment my knuckles brush her pussy lips. “Fuck,” I swear in Korean. I can feel how wet she is, her slickness mixes with the water, and I want more. I push my knee against hers and widen her stance. Her back slides against the cold tiles and she quivers while her breathing accelerates.

“Did he do this?” I ask, as I shove two fingers in my mouth as she watches me with those big doe eyes.

She shakes her head, not saying anything. With my left hand, I seize hers and guide them high above her head, so she’s stretched out and has no way of escaping. My name falls from her lips, like velvet, and I have the urge to growl out her name like a man possessed. I want to do bad things to her, but I have to take it slow. I know that much. I bump my chest against her and her little intake of breath goes right to my cock.

“Are you scared of me?” I chuckle.

“No,” she bites out, getting all red in the face.

I tell her she looks beautiful in Korean, and those blue eyes narrow. Fuck, can she understand what I’m saying?

“Can you speak Korean?” I ask, hovering my lips an inch from hers. I want to taste her so bad, but I also want the truth. Is she playing me here? I don’t let people know I can speak a whole lot of English. I can understand everything and it throws them off their game, and gives me an edge. Maybe she’s the same?

“I can’t, not really,” she whispers, casting her eyes down.

“Hey.” I grab her chin with my other hand and tilt her face up to mine.

“You can tell me, you have to tell me.” I want her to tell me all her secrets. Stories she has never told anyone else. I want to be the one to know them all, because knowledge and imagination are power, more so than money.

“My grandpa wanted to teach me, but I was a stubborn teenager who thought I didn’t need shit. Now the only Korean I know is basic K-drama phrases and K-pop song lyrics.”

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