Page 105 of Lord of Punishment

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“They can wait.” He didn’t hesitate, his possessive side taking over. When he pushed me over the edge of the dresser, I could still catch a glimpse of the ocean, the noise from the band who’d already starting to play soothing to me.

“You’re such a mean, bad man.”

“I never lied to you about that. Did I?” He ripped up my dress, immediately yanking down my thong. When he grabbed my wooden brush from the surface of the dresser, I cringed. I hated the brush almost as much as when he used the belt. Although there was something to be said for a thick slice of leather.

“No, you didn’t. Other things but not that.” I laughed until he brought the brush down twice, the thudding effect jarring as hell, the pain instantaneous. “Ouch. That hurts, you bastard.” While my tone and words were playful, he growled in the tone I adored the most.

“Watch your mouth, little girl.” He smacked my bottom six or eight times, the discomfort turning into agony, but as always happened when he disciplined me, my pussy throbbed, the longing for the man as intense if not more so than the first time.

Which now seemed like a lifetime ago.

He continued the spanking, even taking the time to twirl the brush so I could see what he was doing in the mirror. His smirk alone was enough to keep me on a beautiful edge. “Such a bad girl.”

There was something so exciting about the way he said the words, goosebumps popping along every inch of skin. God, I adored this man with everything I had inside of me.

He took his time, ensuring that I’d have a difficult time sitting down for the rest of the day. When he dared slide the brush between my legs, I wanted to beg him to fuck me. I bit my lower lip to keep from doing so. After all, we had guests.

Still, when he dared slide the handle past my swollen folds, it was difficult to keep a moan from erupting. My legs buckled and I gripped the edge of the dresser with so much pressure my knuckles were white.

He leaned forward a few seconds later, kissing the side of my neck. “Just a taste of things to come, Miss Georgia Peach.”

“Mmm… I’ll hold you to that.”

He chuckled and tugged on my panties until they were back in position, smoothing down my dress then gripping my hips. “I have a surprise for you.”

“You do?”

“Yes, baby. I do. I hope to keep surprising you always.”

I spun around in his arms, throwing mine over his shoulders. “Tell me, big boy. What do you have up your sleeve?”

“You’ll see.” He lowered his head, kissing my lips. We were interrupted by a knock on the door.

Exhaling, I shook my head. “It’s time for the party.”

“In a few minutes. Just wait.” He backed away, pressing his finger across his lips, backing away to the door. “You ready?”

“I’m always ready.”

He hesitated and I could tell whatever he was hiding was weighing on him heavily. “I want you happy, baby. I know you want to put your past to rest but sometimes, memories are the most important things we have.” When he lifted his head, I could see more love in his eyes than even before.

I knew exactly what he meant. “I know.”

As he opened the door, it was a powerful moment of the past colliding with the present. Seeing my parents standing only a few feet away was a dream come true, one I was certain I’d never experience again.

“Mom. Dad.” Tears rushed to my eyes, my heart racing. As I took careful steps, I was no longer surprised at the lengths the man I loved would go to.

“Oh, sweet Charity.”

I adored him with everything I had inside of me.

As I rushed toward them, basking in the glory of family, the sound of little feet could be heard above the cries of happiness.

Dillon rushed into the room, Max trotting behind him, throwing himself into Sabatino’s arms. As the larger-than-life man lifted him up, the single word my son issued was one that finally allowed tears to fall down the rugged man’s face.


There would always be danger in the world of Sabatino DiMaggio, but now I understood that all aspects of power weren’t to be avoided. I’d found the man I adored, the one I wanted to grow old with. There were no perfect relationships, no fairytale endings, yet I knew with all my heart I was the luckiest woman in the world.

I’d found my perfect hero.

And the love of my life.

Karma wasn’t such a bitch after all.

The End
