Page 50 of Lord of Punishment

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He took a decided step closer, the stern expression on his face sending another icy chill down my spine. “My name is indeed Sabatino, Sabatino DiMaggio.”

There was such authority in the way the man pronounced his own name, as if I should know it or as if he was a prince. I matched his glare, furious that he’d had one of his men stalk me. “So what? Is it supposed to mean something to me?”

“Does it?”

“Hell, no. I don’t care about your identity, but I do care that goon boy over there was stalking me at the carnival.”

A look of amusement crossed his face. “Andres and Connor are two of my soldiers. Trusted men.”

“Soldiers? What are you, some military man? I doubt it given your state of attire. Are you DEA? The Feds?” I knew the answer. No. My gut told me that.

“Unfortunately, nothing so admirable, I’m afraid.”

“You’re one of them. The fucking scum cartel. Aren’t you?”

“I assure you I’m not a member of a cartel. However, I am a dangerous man.”

“And I thought you were someone I could trust. Look at you standing in your Italian suit and polished shoes. Let me guess. Mafia.”

His previous entertainment at my reaction to him was starting to fade, his jaw more clenched than before. “While I did enjoy wearing the clothes you purchased for me, a thoughtful gift, in my line of work denim isn’t considered acceptable.”

“What do you do?” As he came even closer, I was thrown by how much his presence still managed to affect me.

“My family owns a very profitable business based out of Baltimore, one that requires men like Andres and Connor to protect it.”

I chewed on my lower lip until I tasted blood. “You are mafia. My God. How could I have been so stupid?”

“Very good assumptions, Georgia, but you were already informed of who I was and the power I wield. Weren’t you? This is no surprise to you.”

“What in the hell does that mean?” I challenged. “You lied to me. Pretending as if you lost your memory just to what, take me back to him?” I regretted saying anything, the man lifting his brows in interest. I looked away, taking another series of gasping breaths. I hated the sting as tears formed in my eyes. I couldn’t do this.

“I did lose my memory, Georgia. That wasn’t a lie or a game. What I’m wondering is if you were a player in a dangerous game.”

“That happened years ago, you asshole. I’m just a mother trying to make a life for her son. Nothing more.” I tried to walk away, grabbing my son so I could keep him safe, but he jerked me back, crowding my space.

Almost every word out of his mouth sounded like a threat. I darted my gaze across the parking lot, praying one of the security guards for the carnival would show his face.

“I suggest you reconsider your attempt at escaping, Georgia. I wouldn’t want anyone in your lovely town to be hurt because you were disobedient.”

“You’re crazy.”

“Perhaps you’re right. Neither my name nor my business means anything to you.”

“Should they?”

“Those are some of the questions I need to find the answers to. And I assure you I will. If you’re playing a game with me, you will regret it.”

Hearing Dillon’s cry of delight drew my attention in his direction. “I don’t know what you’re insinuating, Sabatino, and I certainly don’t like riddles. I don’t know anything about you other than you lied to me.”

“Not intentionally, Georgia, or should I call you Charity?” The smirk on his face was as if he’d won a round in a tennis match.

The terror had been real. I was sick inside, forced to press my hand across my mouth to keep from screaming.

I’d prepared myself since running from Los Angeles for the day someone would find me, tossing my real name into my face, but all the things I’d practiced saying, the lies I’d planned on continuing meant nothing. “I don’t know what you mean.”

Sabatino glanced away, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Do you really think I’m that stupid, Charity?”

“My name is Georgia. Georgia Ingalls.”
