Page 58 of Lord of Punishment

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“But he likes us. Doesn’t he?” Dillon reached down, placing his hand on Max’s head, peering up at me as if I had all the answers. Meanwhile, I knew I had none.

“How could anyone not adore you and the most fabulous pup in the world.” I dragged my boy up, gently tossing him on the bed. As soon as I started to tickle his tummy, Max jumped up beside him, barking protectively.

As Dillon giggled, kicking out his little legs, I couldn’t resist yanked up his shirt, blowing on his tummy. He’d liked that since he was a baby, his eyes lighting up as if I was his entire world.

I couldn’t help but laugh, allowing myself to remember that Dillon was the most precious thing in the world, the only good thing I’d really ever done in my life. And no monster was ever going to take him away from me.

As I tousled his hair, a strange sense of foreboding fell over me, a crackle of electricity that weighed heavily on my veins. That’s when I knew we weren’t alone. I slowly turned my head, hating the reaction my body always had when Sabatino was close. He was still dressed more formally than he’d been while staying at my house, his impeccable charcoal suit and crisp white shirt only missing a bright red tie for his attire to make a bold statement. To anyone who didn’t know who he was, he’d easily pass as charming and suave, sophisticated in his gorgeous appearance.

I knew better.

But with his shirt halfway unbuttoned, I was not only able to catch a glimpse of the exquisite ink but also his chest, which I found almost as sexy as the three-day stubble he’d had when I’d met him.

Met. When he’d crashed into my life like some crazed firestorm.

You mean waterlogged whale.

This time, my inner voice allowed me to smile while studying him. He was leaning against the doorjamb, his legs crossed at his ankles and his hands shoved into his pockets. My initial thought was to ask him where he was keeping his weapon. I’d caught a glimpse of his gun when Dillon had felt comfortable enough to fall asleep on the man’s lap.

It had infuriated and terrified me, the thought that my son would accidentally find a weapon, hurting himself or someone else one of my great fears.

“Sabteeno!” Dillon exclaimed, butchering the man’s name.

“Hiya, little man. What do you think of your room?”

“I like it! Just missing my bear.” Dillon pouted, the kid as dramatic as his mother could be.

I issued a nasty look at Sabatino for ignoring my demand that he not call my son by anything other than his name.

Somehow, I doubted I would be allowed to make any demands.

“Well, I guess we’ll need to get you a new bear then,” Sabatino said, grinning far too genuinely. Meanwhile, I knew the bastard was playing me, sucking up to my son in hopes of buttering me up.

To hell with him.

“Yay!” Dillon clapped his hands with so much excitement Max started barking again.

“Let me guess,” I started, unable to keep the nastiness from my tone. “Max is barking too loudly and Dillon is laughing far too often, both interrupting your illustrious business plans.”

Sabatino shifted his gaze slowly but the impassive look in his eyes was more frightening than the venom I’d seen before.

“Dillon. Do you think I could borrow your mommy for a little while?” he asked, ignoring my nasty comment altogether.

For now.

And still, I shivered to my core.

“Sure. Can I have ice cream later?”

I couldn’t believe how his vocabulary was changing, his sentences no longer two or three words. He would be a real little man before I knew it. The thought caused another ache in my heart.

Sabatino walked closer, daring to reach over and tousle my son’s hair as I’d just done. Dear God, even his aftershave was as intense as the man, full of testosterone and citrus, a hint of sandalwood and spices.

I forced myself to both look away and stop breathing for as long as possible.

“I think we can arrange that. I’ll bring her back in just a little while.” Sabatino’s voice was also entirely different, more in control than when he’d been in Smith Mountain. That made sense given he’d regained his memory and was in his own space. “Come with me, Georgia. I want to show you around your new home.”

The bastard made it sound like I was going to enjoy the time spent with him. However, if the jerk believed it was going to be forever, he had another think coming. I would find a way to escape. I kissed Dillon on the head then rose to my feet, all but ignoring the sexy man. When I was in the hallway, I picked up the pace as I headed toward the stairs, managing to get halfway down before Sabatino jerked my arm, driving me into the wall.
