Page 76 of Lord of Punishment

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“You really think there’s going to be a personal attack?”

“More than one.” My thoughts drifted to Emily, my beautiful wife gone for far too long.

Miguel nodded. “Keep me informed.”

“I will.”

Dillon broke away from his mother’s hold, tumbling toward me in exactly the same way Brando usually did. The little man’s actions pushed my nephew into doing the same. I’d never been the kind of man to consider having children. It wasn’t in my DNA. I’d been hesitant to hold Brando after he’d been born for fear of dropping him, for God’s sake. But there was something so special about their bright eyes and giggles that ripped at the heart Georgia had insisted I didn’t have.

I crouched down, throwing open my arms and I almost immediately sensed my two soldiers were shocked at my behavior. Maybe I was as well.

“How are the two bestest boys in the world?” I asked automatically, glancing from one to the other as they tried to explain in grown-up terms how much fun they’d had together the night before.

“Aww. Unkie Sabatino can be very sweet,” Alicia said, her dark tone a reflection of her mood the night before. Both women had given me a hell of a lot to think about. Sadly, as much as I wanted to be able to do so as well as enjoy the time spent with both Georgia and Dillon, as usual business would need to come first.

The trip to Los Angeles was looking as if it might be necessary.

“Dillon has made a new friend,” Georgia said. By her tone it seemed she was surprised but grateful.

“I’m glad to hear that. We should get going,” I told her.

She had her arms folded, nodding only once before turning her attention toward Alicia. “Thank you for taking such good care of him.”

“It was our pleasure. He’s a very polite little boy.” Now Alicia beamed, the hatred only extending to me.

I rose to my feet, tousling both boys’ heads before helping Dillon into the SUV. I moved toward Miguel, once again keeping my voice low. “There’s a possibility that flying to LA for a few days will help in our… endeavor.”

He knew I was choosing my words carefully.

“Let me guess. Made possible by members of the Brotherhood.”

I nodded as I scanned the area surrounding my brother’s house. Alicia had purposely not wanted to live in a highly secured community, preferring to purchase a smaller home in a quaint older section of outer Baltimore. While Miguel knew the risks, he’d wanted to please his wife. I had a feeling the decision would prove not to be in their best interest.

I only hoped my instinct was dead wrong.

“Then I’ll come with you.”

“I’ll consider it but if you do, you need to send Alicia and Brando somewhere safe until this blows over.”

“Why?” Miguel narrowed his eyes. “You’re that worried about a personal attack?”

“I am.” While I was confident in the technical people Miguel had actually convinced me of hiring almost five years before, that didn’t mean Rico wasn’t a cagey son of a bitch. After all, Georgia had described him as brilliant. That wasn’t an attribute I would have credited him with before her comment. If he was involved with the use of computers, then I had a feeling he’d been watching us for some time.

I had to wonder what his plans really were. Yes, we held a gateway with our controlled seaports for bringing in drugs of choice. However, I had a feeling there was more to his method of operation than drug running. Especially since he seemed interested in the movie business all the way across the country.

“Alicia won’t like it.”

After moving as close to my brother as possible, I had a clear shot of Georgia’s face. She was watching me carefully. “Don’t be stupid with this, Miguel. While it might seem as if Rico has changed his methodology of handling business, that doesn’t mean he’s not a brutal asshole underneath his sleek new wardrobe.”

“I’m no fool, Sabatino. I’m aware of his business tactics. However, I will consult my wife. Once you learn that women truly rule the roost, you’ll be a happier man.” He clapped me on the shoulder, grinning as if what we were facing had no possibility of becoming tragic.

Before he had a chance to walk away, I shifted around to face him so no one else would hear me. “If you do send her away, make it a location few people know about. The fewer the better.”

“Whew. I don’t like the way your mind is spinning.”

“Neither do I.”

Miguel studied me for a few seconds. “I know of a place. I’ll talk to you later after I’ve checked in with our techs myself.”
