Page 94 of Lord of Punishment

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“You’ve heard.”

“Miguel doesn’t keep any secrets. Well, he doesn’t tell me some of the brutal aspects of what they do but I know enough.”

“After spending almost a year with Rico, I don’t know if I can live that life again.”

She placed the bowl of water onto the floor for Max then shifted closer, leaning against the edge. “I can’t imagine what you went through with Rico but life with Miguel isn’t like that. Not at all. Other than what he does in business, which includes going to a regular office every day, coming home almost every night, he does what any husband would do. Including leaving his socks and underwear on the bathroom floor.”

We laughed again and I shook my head, thinking about Sabatino. “I care about him but I’m not certain our stars are aligned. He could never consider Dillon his son.”

“Don’t underestimate him, Georgia. He’s more accepting and giving than you realize.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

As we laughed and chatted, some of the tension seemed to ease. I almost felt like I had a friend.

Maybe falling in love with Sabatino wasn’t a curse at all but a blessing in disguise.


The small airport south of town was busy, more so than usual. It had taken us longer to arrive at the airstrip than I’d wanted. The fact Diego had yet to return my call shouldn’t bother me, but it did. I’d not only told him we were headed in his direction but had also given him a heads-up about what Andres had found on Rico’s activities. What I continued to wonder about was why Rico had a fixation on the Brotherhood.

As we headed to the plane, I scanned the area, still concerned that Rico’s men could be anywhere. Miguel headed inside and I lingered behind, wanting nothing more than to talk to Georgia. The urge to be near her continued to increase, so much so I was thrown by the need to be around her.

Laughing to myself, I finally walked up the stairs, heading inside. The engine was already running, the pilot set to take off as soon as we arrived. There was no time to waste. My gut told me that.

“Stop worrying. We’ll be back before you know it,” Miguel told me.

“Yeah, I know. I just don’t like leaving her alone.”

“She’s not alone. You’re really into this girl.” My brother was already making a drink. Neither one of us enjoyed being on a plane for long.

“Yeah, I do.”

“Then ask her to marry you.”

I almost choked. “You are kidding me, aren’t you?”

“Not in the least.” He grinned as he poured us two glasses of whiskey.

“Mr. DiMaggio, we’ll be ready to take off in a few minutes. There should be good weather all the way to LA,” the pilot said before heading to shut the door we’d just walked through.

“Excellent.” I honestly had a bad feeling about leaving that I was having difficulty ignoring.

As Miguel walked in my direction, he had a smirk on his face. “I haven’t seen you this happy in a long time.”

“Let me see if I have your definition of happiness correct. Recently I’ve been through a fire, a shooting where I lost my memory, I’ve almost been gunned down by assailants, and at any moment the boogeyman could race from the shadows. I think you’re warped, brother. Maybe marriage did that to you.”

“Let’s see. During your supposed bout with amnesia, you had a beautiful woman rescue you, and enjoyed some blissful passion where you didn’t have to be yourself. You’ve brought her with you and will do anything to protect her. On top of that, her son adores the heck out of you. Yeah, I’d call that happiness for a man like you.” He lifted his glass in a salute.

My brother had a way of cutting through all the bullshit with me.

“Hey, my amnesia was real. And not fun.”

“Right. Whatever you say. It’s funny how I can see wedding bells in the future.”

“I doubt it. She’ll never consider marrying me.”

“Not unless you ask her.”
