Page 50 of Dirty Flirt

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I swallow, understanding a bit more about the power of the name you choose in any given moment. “Of course it changes some things. But not the way we’ve become friends again. Not the big stuff, the important stuff. Not if we don’t let it.” I take a breath. “So maybe it’ll be a little weird for a while. So what. If we own it, if we laugh it off, we’ll be fine.”

Reaching out, he catches my hand in the loose hold of his. “Be weird together instead of weird alone. Pretending it’s not.”

“Yeah. Exactly.”

He hums, checking out the ceiling as his smile reemerges. “Soooo, weird like admitting I’m having trouble pretending I don’t notice you’re still wearing my beard burn.”

I laugh, feeling better to be on the same page with this man. Then letting his hand go, I reach up and give his jaw a light brush with my nails. “More stubble scrape than beard burn. And weird like it took me more than a minute this morning to remind myself that what happened last night is a line we can’t cross again. And I’m probably going to have to remind myself a few more times.”

He turns his cheek into my hand, his body shifting too. “Weird like standing here with you, touching like this feels good, but I’m not sure if it’s cool or just the first step on a slippery slope neither of us want to be caught on.”

I run my nails over the thick blond scruff. “I like it too. Honestly, trying to remember to keep a physical space between us since I moved in has been tough. Being close like this feels more natural than forcing ourselves to stay apart.”


He pulls me in even closer for another heart-melting hug I don’t know how I managed to live without for so many years. “I like being close to you. Always have.”

Head pressed to his chest, I smile. “Me too.”

“Friends totally hug.”

“They do. Just not naked.”

He huffs into my hair. “So we’re good?”

“We’re good.”

“And we’re going to face the weird head-on?”

This guy. “Yes. Totally take its power away.”

“Awesome.” He pulls back, giving me a sorry, not sorry shrug. “This stretchy business you’ve got on is hot as fuck, and Big Ben’s gonna need a minute after last night to get back in line.”

I grin up at him. “Oh my God, ‘Big Ben’ is going to need a minute?”

“Yes.” He adjusts his jeans. “He might need two. He likes your laugh a hell of a lot too.”

He walks past me, and I turn, catching him before he leaves.

Should I?

This is Ben. One hundred percent I should.

Smile stretching, I lean in. “If it makes you feel any better, Li’l Elliot might need a minute too.”

His eyes blatantly drop to the land where Li’l Elliot reigns. Biting his lip, he stares a beat, while I stand, brow raised. When his eyes bounce back to mine, his smile is equal parts naughty and satisfied… and Li’l Elliot definitely notices.

Down, girl.




I ought to be relieved with how easily things fell back into place with Lara.

I am relieved.
