Page 52 of Dirty Flirt

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I can’t believe I bought this. A year ago, this purchase would have been a hard no. Frivolous spending. Unnecessary.



The mailroom is tucked around the back side of the building and only monitored by the attendant during regular business hours most weekdays but on Wednesday until six thirty p.m.

The timing is perfect because Ben’s got some PR thing with the team after practice tonight.

Or I thought he did.

When I skid into the mailroom, there’s a tall glass of water drumming his fingers over the counter. Ben.

He turns, does a double take, and blanches. “Elliot,” he says slowly. “Thought you were out with work friends.”

I smile, trying to swallow past my heart… which is securely lodged in my throat, hammering away. “Change of plans. What about you? Weren’t you—” Now that I think about it, he didn’t actually specify what he was doing. Which is weird in itself.

“Cancelled.” I’d swear the tips of his ears turn red.

We stare at each other as the attendant returns with a stack of parcels. “All together, okay?”

I very, very much want to say no, but that would only draw more attention to something I very, very much don’t want to draw attention to at all. “Sure.”

“Yeah, great. I’ll take them.” Ben reaches for the stack, and my eye starts to twitch.

“Umm, how about I take my stuff out of there. You don’t need to carry all of it.”

Ben looks down. Then back at me. “Pretty sure I can handle it.”

We head to the elevator and stand at opposite sides. Silently.

It’s totally weird. But whatever his weird is about… I. Don’t. Care.

Just give me my package and leave me on my own.

The doors open and we walk out. Me eyeballing the stack, doing some package math, estimating sizes, weights… and then plotting how to get my hands on the package third from the bottom. I unlock the door, blocking it with my body while Ben crooks a brow.

“You want me to pay a toll or something?”

Actually, yes. I really, really do.

Bad Li’l Elliot!

I force a laugh, grab my package, and sprint for my room. “Sorry! Drank too much coffee… tired… later!”

My door closes out the sound of Ben calling after me.

Not now, Mr. Boerboom.

Hands shaking, I rip into the tape, tearing open the cardboard.

Please let this thing come with a partial charge. It’s waterproof. We’ll have a shower. Take the edge off, clear the demons, and?—

“What?” I was so sure this was my order, it takes a minute for my mind to catch up and register just what I’m looking at.

Three hard knocks sound at my door. “Lara, I think you took mine by mistake.”

My eyes narrow, and I stalk to the door.
