Page 80 of Detained

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“Don’t Zara,” he warns under his breath, making my body heat at his commanding tone. “And where will you be housing them?”

“Enzo will source them new identities. We will question them for information surrounding my father and Romano. They can have new lives in new states, under our protection, with some of our alliances elsewhere. They can’t stay in Vegas, not with the MC issues.” Mikhail’s face turns to watch Candy saunter by.

Frankie doesn’t look, just focuses on his tech guy. “Enzo, can we organize the same for the girls we have in our safe house?”

Enzo types on his phone. “I’ve already started on the paperwork. Give me a couple of days. It will all be done.”

“Jax, are you good to question the girls tomorrow?” Frankie turns to his right-hand man.

“You know it, boss,” he says enthusiastically.

“Good. So, Mikhail, if we get these girls to you, can you keep them safe until they can be moved somewhere permanent?”

“Another hundred thousand on top of our deal, yes,” the masked man answers in his deep Russian accent.

“What is the original deal?” I ask, my voice quiet as every man in the room stares at me.

“Half a million and three month's worth of weapon supply,” Frankie responds. I can hear the amusement in his tone.

“If we’re taking care of the paperwork and getting the girls to you, plus providing weapons, why would we pay you anymore?” I idly trace one of Frankie’s tattoos that thread across the back of his thumb, I keep my focus on Mikhail.

Mikhail cracks his knuckles with his harsh gaze locked on me. “Why are you speaking to me?”

“Why not?” I counter, lifting my chin.

“You don’t run Frankie’s business. You are just a hot piece of ass. I don’t answer to you,” he says gruffly.

I can sense Frankie's anger radiating off him as he stiffens beneath me. Oh shit.

“If you don’t apologize to Zara in the next thirty seconds, the whole deal is off and I will take my entire army into Vegas and we will tear your empire to the ground. She is my woman and she will be treated with respect from all of you. Do I make myself clear?” The chill in his voice brings goosebumps to my arms and makes my heart pound faster.

Fuck, he’s sexy.

Mikhail’s eyes widen in surprise. “I didn’t realize. I apologize.” He holds up his open hands, stopping his two bodyguards from stepping forward.

“That is your first and only warning, Mikhail. Now answer her questions. I could do without another war.”

I can feel the heat radiating from my cheeks, as if my entire body is being consumed by fire.

“We need the funds to relocate the girls safely.”

“Would fifty thousand cover it?” I ask.

His jaw grinds beneath the fabric covering. “We can make that work.”

I fake a smile at him, pressing my ass harder against Frankie’s lap. “Good.”

“Looks like we have a deal, then.” Frankie taps my thigh. Standing up, I feel his hand on my waist as he joins me, his touch reassuring as he addresses the table. “Feel free to stay here and enjoy yourselves. We have a busy few days ahead.”

He leads me out of the secluded room, back to the bar area where Alex and Lee are still sitting.

"Now, about that punishment," he whispers in my ear.



My phone buzzes, and Grayson’s message appears.
