Page 1 of Distance Forever

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Chapter One


“Max, hold your brother’s hand, please!” I call out to my eldest, as my little girl, Darcy, clings to my neck. I grunt as I toss the huge suitcase Sienna packed for the kids on Luca’s doorstep.

“Daddy, I don’t want you to go!” Darcy whines as I knock on the black door, waiting for my brother to appear.

“It’s only for a few days; it’s a special surprise for mommy. Remember? It’s going to make her so happy, baby,” I say, pressing a kiss to her cheek, and she gives me her gappy toothed smile.

Every year we take it in turns to organize our anniversary surprise. This year, I’ve gone all out. I want my wife all to myself.

She wants another baby, and we need time together to make that happen. I fucking love these kids. I love her pregnant. Anything she wants, she gets.

“Dad, you know I could have just looked after Nico and Darcy. I’m technically old enough.”

I shoot him a look. The way he’s been behaving, there’s absolutely no way in hell I trust him with them, even if he is seventeen. He’s still my little Max.

The door swings open, and Nico launches himself at Luca’s legs.

“Elio is in the playroom. He’s excited to see you,” Luca says, looking down at Nico, who just beams back at him.

With that, Nico runs through the house, the sound of his laughter filling the air.

“Bye, then, son,” I call out. He abruptly halts, pivots on his heels, and dashes back to me. With Darcy still clinging onto me, I lower myself to the ground and wrap my arms around him.

“I’ll see you in a few days. Be good for Uncle Luca.”

“I will, I promise,” he replies in a high-pitched tone, and I raise a brow at Luca. We both know Nico and Elio will be a handful for them the entire weekend.

As Rosa appears by Luca's side, I feel Darcy being loosen her grip on me.

“Auntie Rosa!” she squeals, already forcing herself into Rosa’s arms.

“Come on, I’ve got out everything to bake some cookies.” I nod to Rosa as she takes my daughter into the kitchen.

With the two little ones in the house, I clap my hand on Max’s shoulder.

“Right, make sure they behave. You only go out when Luca says it’s okay. Got it?”

“Yes, Dad,” he replies, in typical teenager fashion.

“I’ve set your game room up.” Luca smirks at me. Being a big kid himself, he will likely spend all night shooting people online with Max.

“Cool, thanks. Have a good weekend, Dad.”

“Thank you, son.” I smile and mess up his blonde hair. He’s a good kid, really.

“So, what have you got planned, brother?” Luca asks, leaning against the door.

“Three whole uninterrupted days of my wife,” I reply with a grin.

I’m itching to get back to her. These last few weeks have been busy, and we have struggled to find time for the two of us. All I want is a couple of days to indulge in Sienna.

He holds up his hand to me.

“Yeah, I get the picture. Have fun. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

“Yeah, right,” I grunt, as Luca tosses the luggage into the hallway.
