Page 30 of A New Chance

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Daniel. Argh! She didn’t even look as she swiped to answer the call, ready to give him a piece of her mind.

"What?" Charlotte answered, wiping the sweat from her brow.

"Charlotte Moore?" a friendly voice replied. "This is Claire Thompson from Thompson's Fish & Chips down the street."

Charlotte winced. "Ah, yes, hello Claire! I’m so sorry. I thought you were someone else. What can I do for you?"

"Well, Simon Harris was just here talking up your renovation project at the inn, and I thought I might be able to help," Claire explained. "You see, my family has been here for generations, and we'd love to see The Old Crown thrive again. We'd like to sponsor a portion of the renovation costs, if that's something you'd be interested in—if you’d not mind sending your guests our way."

Charlotte's heart swelled with gratitude, her eyes welling up with tears. This unexpected offer was the glimmer of hope she desperately needed. "Claire, I don't know what to say... Thank you so much! This means more to me than I can express. I—would be thrilled to partner with you."

"Think nothing of it," Claire responded warmly. "We're all part of the same community, after all. And besides, I've always loved that old building – it'll be wonderful to see it restored to its former glory. Simon told us you’re from New York. Who knows, maybe we’ll get in a fancy American magazine once The Crown is back up and running?"

Charlotte blinked. She did have a few connections in publishing back in America—ironically, thanks to attending way too many boring high-class company dinners with Daniel over the years. The wheels in her mind began turning.

"Would you mind if I visited your shop tomorrow to discuss the details and thank you in person?" Charlotte asked, eager to show her appreciation.

"Of course, dear! We open at 9 AM – looking forward to meeting you."

"Thank you, Claire. See you then!" With that, Charlotte ended the call, her spirits lifted by the generosity of a fellow Chesham Cove business owner.

As she stood in the fading light, Charlotte felt an unfamiliar surge of optimism. With Claire's help, perhaps the future of The Old Crown Inn wasn't as uncertain as it seemed. Her future with Simon, however…

Charlotte checked her phone, and the missed call was there from Daniel, blazing from the screen. He hadn’t left a voicemail, but he had followed the call with a terse text.

7:00 at the Bluffs. I’ll meet you in the downstairs restaurant. Wear something nice.

Though she bristled at the commands, at least, in a few hours, one painful chapter of her past would be closed.


Charlotte stood in the quiet sanctuary of her bedroom, her heart pounding in anticipation as she prepared for dinner with Daniel at Thomas Windnell's hotel. The blend of nervousness and purpose that churned within her made it difficult to focus on the task at hand. She couldn't help but think about the reason behind this meeting – getting Daniel to sign the divorce papers once and for all. It was time to put their past to rest and move forward with her new life in Chesham Cove.

Whatever that new life would be.

As Charlotte rummaged through her closet, she searched for an outfit that would make her feel both confident and ready to face Daniel. She couldn't afford to slip back into old habits and patterns; she needed to stand her ground tonight. Her fingers brushed over a silky black blouse, hesitating for a moment before deciding it wasn't quite right. She continued searching until her eyes fell upon a deep blue dress that hung deceptively simple among her other clothes.

The dress, with its modest neckline and gently flowing skirt, had always made her feel strong and beautiful. It reminded her of the crashing waves against the shore near the inn, and the way the water seemed to both soothe and invigorate her soul. As she slipped it on, she felt a sense of calm wash over her.

Paired with understated silver jewelry and her favorite pair of comfortable heels, Charlotte took a step back to assess her reflection in the mirror. The warm glow of the room's lighting cast a soft halo around her figure, highlighting the subtle strength that radiated from her very core. The woman who stared back at her was not the same one who had left New York months ago. She was a woman who had started anew, who had fought for herself and her identity every day since. This was the woman who would face Daniel tonight.

Taking a deep breath, Charlotte felt the last remnants of her nerves dissipate like sea foam on the shore.

With a final glance at her reflection, Charlotte smoothed down the soft fabric of her dress, and her eyes narrowed with determination as they met her own in the mirror. She turned away, gathering her things and stepping out into the cool evening air.

A short drive later, the grand hotel loomed before her, its majestic architecture a sure sign of the wealth and power that frequented its halls. As she approached the gilded entrance, Charlotte caught a glimpse of the opulent interior through the impressive floor-to-ceiling windows. The chandeliers sparkled with a thousand points of light, casting a warm glow across the luxuriously appointed lobby. Guests milled about, the rustle of silk and the murmur of conversation filling the air.

"Good evening, ma'am," a liveried doorman greeted her graciously, holding open the door as she stepped inside. Charlotte murmured her thanks, her eyes taking in the scene that unfolded before her. It was like stepping into another world, a far cry from The Old Crown Inn.

She hesitated for a moment, feeling momentarily out of place amidst the opulence. But then, Charlotte straightened her back and walked confidently toward the dining room. This was her world too, once upon a time - and tonight, she would not allow herself to be intimidated by it or anyone within.

"Mrs. Moore, your husband is not yet arrived,” a polite waiter informed her, leading her past elegantly dressed guests who sipped champagne and exchanged pleasantries. She gritted her teeth, but didn’t correct the man. The clink of silverware against fine china provided a delicate soundtrack to the low hum of cultured conversation.

As Charlotte followed the waiter through the bustling dining room, she couldn't help but be reminded of the many social events she had attended with Daniel in the past - the glittering galas, the charity fundraisers, the intimate dinner parties. It was a life she had left behind, one she no longer yearned for. Her heart belonged to Chesham Cove now, to the wild beauty of the coastline and the close-knit community that had embraced her as one of their own.

"Here is your table, ma'am," the waiter announced, gesturing toward an intimate setting near a window overlooking the landscaped gardens. Charlotte thanked him, her gaze sweeping the room as she took her seat. She couldn't help but wonder what the evening would hold, what words would be exchanged between her and Daniel over the course of the meal.

As she waited, the sound of laughter and clinking glasses filling the air around her, Charlotte knew that this dinner was more than just a formality. No matter how the night unfolded, she would remain true to herself and the woman she had become.
