Page 33 of Shifted

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“Can you tell me what happened exactly?”

Dalton took her step by step through the last lap. She made notes, but her gut tensed. Witnessing that kind of accident was beyond upsetting. It was normally devastating but having it happen to a client, someone you were out there working with, training, that had to be just beyond awful. “I’m so sorry. That must have been difficult.”

Dalton looked like he was going to say something, but then he just nodded. “Is there anything else?”

She bit back a sigh. He wasn’t making this easy. “Not at the moment. I will need to speak to a few of your team and then to the race officials. I should be able to be out of your hair by the end of the day.”

“Great,” he snarled.

Okay then. She stood. “Thank you for your time,” she said stiffly.

She wanted to tell him how sorry she was about the whole thing. Not just Moore, but also for what had happened between them, but he was too interested in being an ass, and she was all out of fucks to give.

She started out of the trailer. Her instincts were telling her he truly hadn’t known about the policy, but they were also screaming at her that he did know something important. Something he didn’t want her to know. Her stomach knotted. In any other circumstances, this wouldn’t bother her—in fact, she’d look at it as a challenge—but here with Dalton and his team, this had all the makings of a major disaster just waiting to happen.

Above everything else, one impulse was greater than all the rest. Run.


Greta entered the trailer. “You wanted to see me?”

Dalton was sitting at the table along with Rory and Jordana. “Yeah.” He handed her a piece of paper. “Do you know anything about this?”

She glanced at it with a quizzical expression. “It’s the insurance forms for the drivers. Your father took out a policy years ago, and every time we get new drivers, I have to fill out the form.”

“You didn’t think to mention it?” Dalton asked. Every muscle strained with the urge to yell. Why would Greta not inform him about this? For now, he squashed the urge to lash out.

“I…” her gaze darted around the room. “I thought you knew. It was a paid policy, so there was no expense. I didn’t… I’m so sorry, Dalton. If I’d known you weren’t aware of it, of course I would’ve told you.”

Rory said. “It was just a surprise is all. Dad never mentioned it.”

“Oh,” Greta said, then bit her lip.

“It’s fine, Greta,” Dalton added, trying to take a step back from his ire. It wasn’t her fault. She hadn’t known they were in the dark. “Is there anything else like this you think we might need to know about? Anything at all.”

She frowned. “I don’t think so, but I’ll think about it and review my notes. We can certainly sit down and go over everything.”

She didn’t say like I’ve asked you to do a million times, but she could’ve. Dalton had been avoiding doing just that for a long time. Reviewing the company’s financial position was too damn depressing. Or, at least, he thought it would’ve been. Had he known about this policy, things might have been different.

“That’s a good idea. We’ll set it up as soon as we get back to the office in Germany.” Dalton smiled reassuringly.

Her phone dinged, and she glanced at the screen. “I’m going to go help Kendra with a few things, and then the insurance investigator wants to talk to me. So cool that Greer Styger is here. I mean, I get she’s in insurance now, but still. I was a big fan back when she was racing.”

“Okay, don’t worry. Just be straight with her. The sooner we get this solved the sooner we can move on.”

“Will do, boss,” Greta said. “Let me know if you need anything else.” With that, she trotted out of the trailer.

Dalton combed a hand through his hair. Greer. She was going to be a big problem. Having her around would be an endless distraction. No use denying that he needed the money from the policy, and the only way to get it was through her. That galled him. Of all the people he thought he’d have to ask for help, Greer didn’t even come close to the top one hundred. She’d burned him hard seven years ago. A nearly mortal emotional injury that had taken him ages to get over. Her presence now was rubbing salt in the wound that hadn’t healed, despite how hard he tried to ignore it. Just another thing to thank his father for. Asshole.

“Would’ve been nice to know about the policy sooner. We could’ve used the cash.” Dalton rubbed his face again.

Rory frowned. “I don’t follow.”

Jordana glanced at Dalton. “I think what Dalton’s saying is that if he knew about it before, he could’ve cashed in the insurance policy and taken the money to pay off some of the debts. It would’ve given us breathing room. As it is, we may not get the money.”

“Why not?” Rory asked.

Dalton let out a long sigh. “Because of the video.”
