Page 48 of Shifted

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He stood up slowly. Greer came to stand beside the nurse, and the woman asked, “Keep an eye on him, yes?”

Greer nodded. The nurse handed her more paperwork, which she signed. They walked out to the waiting area where Jordana and Rory were sitting in identical chairs along the back wall.

“You two okay?” Jordana asked as she leaped from her chair.

“Fine,” Dalton grunted. Greer just nodded.

“Okay,” Rory said, “let’s get you back to the hotel. I’ll get the car.”

Jordana nodded. “I’ll get your backpack, Dalton. Greer, do you need me to get your bag or anything?”

“Please,” she said. “I left it with Gus. He said he’d take care of it.”

“Okay, I’ll find him. It’s still raining, so you two wait here. We’ll be back shortly.” She and Rory went out through the doors and into the rain.

Dalton watched them go.

“I’d forgotten how nice your family is,” Greer said, her voice slightly wistful.

He glanced at her. There was nothing he could say to that. Dark circles created shadows under her eyes, and her hair was a mess. She was wet and strain had etched her features. Well, she’d almost been hit by a car.

He couldn’t do this. “Greer, I think you need to stop investigating.”

She glanced at him. “We just started. We agreed.”

“I know, but that was before…”

Scaring Greer wasn’t the best option, but he was pretty sure what happened had been deliberate. There had to be a way to tell her that so she would stop investigating. He needed the money desperately, but he wasn’t willing to risk her safety over it. His head pounded as he watched the rain in silence for another minute or so.

Greer said, “Did you happen to see what kind of car it was?”

It was the question he’d been asking himself since he woke up. “It was a nondescript dark-colored sedan. I assume it was a rental. Anyone who lives in Europe and drives here brings a truck or a flash car to show off to other car fans.”

“I was thinking the same thing.” She turned to look up at him. “Do you think it was on purpose? Do you think they were trying to hit me or us?”

Us. He hadn’t thought of that. Killing two birds with one stone? In that moment, he made up his mind that he wasn’t going to leave her alone. His family had inadvertently brought her into this mess, and someone now wanted her out of the picture. Wanted them both out of the way. His conscience wouldn’t let that happen. He’d do what was necessary to keep her safe.

“I think it’s a possibility.” He wasn’t going to lie completely, but he wasn’t going to declare it either. “It could have been the rain.”

“But you’re not sure,” she confirmed.

He bit back a sigh. “I’m not sure.” The fact that someone had tried to force him off the road pretty much made it highly likely they were trying to hurt Greer, and possibly him at the same time.

A car pulled up to the medical center doors, and Rory jumped out. Dalton and Greer walked through the sliding doors of the clinic and got into the back seat of the car. Rory closed the door behind them. The drive to the hotel was silent. Dalton’s head was banging, but it was also running a mile a minute. How the hell was he going to keep Greer safe on top of everything else?

Rory pulled up next to the courtyard between the two buildings. “You guys get out. I’ll park and then come up to your room, okay, Dalton?”

He nodded and immediately regretted it. “Sure. That’s fine.” He got out of the car along with Greer and Jordana. They went into the building and were waiting for the elevator when Rory entered.

“How were the guys after the session?” Dalton asked. He asked it as much to break the silence as to hear the answer.

“You were right. They both had close calls, but they gained some confidence from it. They are hot to get back at it for the last session, but I told them the track was going to be crazy wet. They decided to review the data with Mario and Timo. I’ll head back to the track once you’re settled so I can work with them.”

“Jordana, how was it for you?” he asked.

She turned and grinned at him. “It was awesome. The setup needs some work. I’m going to look at the data with Mario later and get Gus to make some changes, but it felt damn good to be back behind the wheel. Thanks again.”

Dalton closed his eyes and rested his head on the wall. Jordana had raced as a junior but hadn’t done anything serious since before university. When she’d graduated, their father had been sick, and everything had been put on the back burner. It was good to see her smile.

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