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The last thing she wanted to do was go to Red Bull Ring. Not only would she have to see Dalton after seven long years, but she’d have to talk to everyone about her aborted racing career and her father. Two topics she hated. Her father owned his own team. She’d been on that team at one point. Never again. She wasn’t interested in getting anywhere near the racing world ever again.

Greer groaned. “Can’t you send someone else?”

Frank shook his head. “No one knows the racing world like you do. It shouldn’t take long, but you’d better get to it. The drive is going to be a bit on the long side.

“Why can’t I fly?” At least then she wouldn’t have to sit in a car alone for the next half dozen hours.

“Too close, according to the dragon lady. She said it’s faster for you to drive from here than waste all that time in the airport for a short flight to Vienna. And then you still have to drive again. Munich is too close,” he said in a voice that perfectly mimicked the head of HR, Inga Swenson.

“Fine,” Greer agreed reluctantly. “But I’m doing this under duress. I was supposed to be taken off the racing insurance jobs. Heinrik was supposed to take over. He loves racing.”

“He does, and he will take over just as soon as this mess is sorted. Heinrik is great at the paperwork, but when it comes to an actual investigation, there’s really only you two. Louisa doesn’t know a damn thing about cars.” He shot a smirk at her cubicle mate.

Greer closed her eyes and rubbed her face. “Fine,” she said again as she opened her eyes and stood up. “I’ll go home and pack my stuff. The sooner I get started, the sooner I can get there and get this sorted.”

“That’s the spirit,” Frank said with a grin.

She wanted to tell her boss to get lost, but she just gathered her keys and her purse. She said to her friend, “It’s only Tuesday. With any luck, I’ll get this sorted and be back here by the weekend in time for our movie marathon.”

“Okay, sounds good. Fingers crossed it’s an easy one,” Louisa said and gave her friend a small wave.

Nothing about this was going to be easy. Greer headed out of the building and over to her car. It was cold today. She was glad she’d worn a sweater. It was her favorite. A deep forest green that complemented her coloring. She was going to have to break out the thick winter jacket for Red Bull Ring. April in Austria could go either way, but it was bound to be colder at night. It would be colder in the mountains for sure.

Twenty minutes later, she parked her car in front of her building. She was entering the lobby when her phone went off. She glanced at the screen. Her mother again. “What is it, Mom?” she asked as she took the stairs two at a time.

“Your sister is very upset you aren’t coming for the bridal shower, but she says you can make it up to her by coming home for her bachelorette this weekend.”

Greer couldn’t help it and snorted with disgust. “Mom, I have to work this weekend. I’m just home to grab some clothes, and then I’m off to Austria. I don’t have time to come home for a bachelorette party.” Her sister only wanted her there so she could stick Greer with the bill. Lyric was like that. Someone else always had to pay. This time it’s not going to be me. “I’ve got to go, Mom.”

“What do I tell your sister?”

“Tell her to grow the eff up.” Greer hung up.

She was done with the whole wedding debacle. It was a nightmare, and she was half a world away. It would be horrific for her mom and stepdad, but they were the ones who created this particular monster. It was their job to deal with her. It was Greer’s job to figure out how a man died on the track in one of the safest cars in the world. And when it came down to it? As much as Greer hated racing, it was preferable to spending time with her sister. She could not stand her sister. Not. One. Bit.


“Mario, anything?” Dalton asked in a quiet voice.

The other man shook his head. “Your brother is still out of touch.”

Dalton grimaced. “Okay.” They were standing outside the paddock between the two trailers. Glancing around, he made sure no one was close by. “I need you to review the video footage of the first session from my car. The cops will be over to see it eventually. It’s only a matter of time.”

Mario glanced up as Kendra walked by. She shot Dalton a wide smile and nodded to Mario. Mario grinned once she was gone. “Yet another victim of the famous Dalton sex appeal?”

Dalton glared at him.

“Glare all you want but you know it’s true. Half the paddock is in love with you. The female half.” He grinned again. “Mostly.”

“I need you to be serious.”

“Sorry,” Mario said immediately sobering up. “I was just trying to lighten the mood. It’s been a…tough day for all of us.”

Dalton gritted his teeth against the guilt washing over him. Mario was trying to help, and he was being an ass. “I’m sorry. I know. It’s a tough one.”

Mario nodded. “So, am I looking for anything in particular?”

“You tell me,” Dalton responded. “But make a copy of the video. The polizei might take the original, and I want to make sure we have a copy.”
