Page 29 of Locked Out

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Peter added. “Yes, tremendous fun to come to Venice for a few days before the crowds find the place. Summer is a nightmare.”

“Business,” Dimon replied but didn’t elaborate.

Vanessa shifted slightly so her breast rubbed against Derek Davenport’s arm again. “Pleasure,” she drawled.

Davenport sent Riss a smile. “Business, I’m afraid. But I’m always open to a bit of fun while traveling.”

Riss blinked. What did that mean? Was he making a statement of fact or propositioning her? Did it matter? Not so much. She wasn’t interested in anything except going home. And Cash said the little voice in her head. She was interested in Cash, God help her. Could she possibly have Stockholm syndrome? Was she falling for her captor? Was that even a real thing? Did this situation even apply? And was Cash her captor or savior? He’d saved her life more than once since she’d met him. She shoved away all thoughts of murder and mayhem.

“Any truth to the idea that you’re looking for a place for your European headquarters?” Peter asked Davenport.

Dimon snorted. “He already has a place in mind, or at least that’s the scuttlebutt.” He looked at Davenport. “Care to enlighten us as to which location you picked?”

The man in question just smiled and took a sip of his drink. He swallowed, then said, “I wouldn’t listen to rumors if I were you, Daniel.”

Dominick, the waiter, appeared at her elbow and put her drink down on the table in front of her. She took a large swig as the conversation continued around her. The liquor was as top shelf as the room amenities.

“What do you think the markets will do with the upcoming election? They’ve been squirrely all year. Will that trend continue?” asked Dimon.

Davenport shrugged. “Hard to tell. They seemed to be settling down a bit. The Fed said they were going to drop interest rates so that’s a help. Have to see how it goes.”

“Enough talk about the markets,” Vanessa scolded. “Where is everyone going on their next vacation? Anywhere divine?” she asked.

Poppy perked up. “I’m off to Africa on a photo safari. I cannot wait. I’m an avid birder and there are so many on my list of must-sees for my trip. It will be simply magical.” She clapped her hands with startling enthusiasm.

“I say, that does sound good. I’m a bit of a birder myself. Would you mind sharing some of the details?” Peter asked.

Vanessa’s lips curled. “Oh, please don’t. Not here.”

Poppy’s teeth came together with a click that Riss heard across the table. The look that she shot Vanessa would’ve had the other woman six feet under if looks could kill.

“Derek, darling,” Vanessa drawled, “where are you going?”

Davenport glanced at her. “I don’t take very many vacations and when I go, it’s all very much last minute.”

Vanessa pouted. “But surely you must have some idea. How else can people meet up with you if you don’t tell them where and when you’re thinking of going?”

“If I want them there, I let them know my plans.” Davenport’s tone was on the frosty side.

Riss buried her smile in her drink as Vanessa’s eyebrows came together and her lips turned into a thin line. Score one for Davenport.

He turned to her. “What about you, Riss? What are your plans? How long will you be in Venice?”

“Er… I’m playing it by ear at the moment. Things are…up in the air.” She sipped her drink hoping they’d move on from her. What could she say? I’m being held captive against my will? I can only leave when Cash says it’s okay? Anger and angst thumped through her veins, and she was certain her catapulting blood pressure had turned her face red. She’d race out the front door at this moment if she didn’t need a boat to get anywhere. She wasn’t doing the alley again. Cash had to have cameras watching it.

“That’s very mysterious,” Davenport said. Holy shit! He was flirting with her.

Beside him, Vanessa's eyes turned hard as she stared at Riss.

“Not mysterious. Just…not sorted. What about you, Mr. Davenport? Staying long?”

“Alas, probably not. But…I like to keep my options open, and call me Derek, please.”

“Would anyone care for a refill?” Dominick asked. Riss started at the sound of his voice. She was never going to sit in this chair again. Dominick and anyone else could sneak up on her. It was freaking her out.

“I’ll have another glass of wine.” Vanessa held up her empty goblet.

“I think I’ll follow Riss’s lead. I’ll have an old fashioned, Dominick.” Davenport glanced in her direction.
