Page 33 of Locked Out

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“Once…” he couldn’t say about the meeting. “In a few days, I will take you home to New York. In the meantime, stay away from Davenport. Stay out of trouble. In fact, stay in your room. That will make it easier for both of us.”

“Easier for both of us?” She shot off the bed. “I’m sorry, why should I care what’s easier for you?” she demanded, hands on hips.

“I know you’re pissed, and this situation is not the best, but it’s a hell of a lot better than being dead. You’re just going to have to suck. It. Up.” He wanted to soothe her but honestly, he just didn’t have it in him at the moment. If he laid a calming hand on her he wouldn’t stop touching until he took her to bed. While he’d work to be sure the experience was great for both of them, physical intimacy wasn’t going to help either one of them. Riss tugged at his protective instincts in a way her sister never had. If he bedded her it would only get worse. He had a job to do and she needed to accept it.

She glared at him but said nothing else. Hard to argue with not being dead he assumed. “I have to go. Do you need anything? I can have whatever you want sent up.”

“I’m fine,” she said through gritted teeth.

She was far from fine, even he knew that, but he just nodded and then left the room. He strode down the hallway and blew out a long breath. Dealing with the sexy woman left his nerves jangling. She sure as hell had better stay in her room. He’d kill Davenport if the man put one finger on Riss, to hell with the meeting or Archer or the Society. No one was going near Riss unless it was him.

* * *

“Are you sure?” Cash asked as he peered at the screen. He’d been in the security office for thirty minutes. He rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands. He’d stared at video footage until his eyes were burning and gritty.

“Yeah,” Antonio answered. “See here?” he pointed at the screen. “This smudge? That’s the shooter. I can’t get a better focus on him. He knew where the cameras were and avoided every single one. I got nothing because there’s nothing to get.”

“Shit,” Cash mumbled. It didn’t matter that they had the most recent state-of-the-art security in this office. If someone knew how to thwart surveillance cameras, they’d never be able to identify him. Or her. He’d been hoping Antonio could get a fix on the shooter, give them some lead on the damn bible, and who the hell else was after it.

“Yeah, it sucks.”

“Thanks for trying.” Cash leaned back in the chair. This was not the news he wanted. Archer wasn’t going to be pleased when he landed in—Cash glanced at his watch—about five hours.

Antonio nodded. “I am sorry I can’t find anything on the shooter. I am working on the book. I might have a lead.”

Cash raised an eyebrow. “What lead?”

Antonio shifted in his chair. “The book is special. There are only a few people who deal in special items in Venice.”

“We already spoke with Russo and Gianni. They had no idea what I was talking about. Umberti is trying to find it as well but not having any luck. Are there more players involved?” Cash asked.

Antonio smiled, sweeping his long dark hair over his shoulder. “There are always more players in Venezia. I spoke to my mama who spoke to my uncle who suggested you should talk to Guiseppi Crosera.”

“Crosera,” Cash repeated. “Why do I know that name?”

“Crosera is the defacto head of the Malvestio crime family. It’s mostly defunct now. The Don was arrested in Croatia and is in prison there. The rest of the families divvied up their territories among themselves.”

“Wait…was Malvestio the one who tried to take on the Russians over some imported caviar?”

“Yes, in Croatia. It did not go so well for him. Crosera is the only guy with any juice left who is not in prison. He dabbles in many things. He might have an idea about the book.”

He had to chase down any lead whether he wanted to or not. “When can I see him?” Cash asked.

Antonio glanced at his watch. “How about now?”

Cash was loath to leave the house while Riss was here but what choice did he have? “Let’s go.”

Antonio stood. “Let’s grab Dante. Always good to have backup.”

“Agreed.” Cash got up off the chair and followed Antonio out as he hit the number for Dante. “Meet us out front,” he said as soon as the other man answered. There was a grunt of agreement before the call was disconnected.

They came out from under the stairs and started down the wide hallway when Dominick came out of the billiard room at the back.

“Dominick,” Cash said as he approached the trusted staff member. “Do me a favor, keep an eye on Riss. Don’t let her get into any trouble with Davenport or anyone else if you can help it. She’s new and doesn’t really understand some of the…” How to describe it?

Dominick cleared his throat. “The finer points of our guests?”

“Exactly. I wouldn’t want her to get in over her head if we can avoid it.”
