Page 46 of Locked Out

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She was on her feet immediately, racing across the room and whipping open the door only to find Cash standing there along with Archer Gray. In lieu of a greeting, she stepped back and both men followed her in.

“Ms. Day,” Archer started.

“Riss,” she responded automatically.

“Riss,” he said with a nod. “I wanted to come tell you I don’t think your break-in and Vanessa’s death were related. Vanessa made some questionable choices that caught up with her. I don’t want you to be afraid. You are safe. The break-in won’t happen again.”

She glanced at Cash but then swung her gaze back to Archer when his face was blank. “Are you sure? Do you know who it was? Why did they break-in?”

“It appears Vanessa broke in. She was wearing a black robe when she was found, and a hole on the hem matched the piece of fabric found here last night. Do you have any idea what she might have been looking for in your room.”

Riss returned to the chair and sat. She shook her head. “I don’t know her and can’t imagine what… Wait! Could she have been looking for the thing she didn’t find in Davenport’s room? I heard the rumor that Vanessa stole something from Davenport.”

Cash glanced at Archer, who merely nodded. “Yes, that’s what we believe. You should be fine but by all means, keep Biscotti with you if it makes you feel better. I am only sorry that you have had such a distressing experience.”

Riss glanced at Cash who was leaning against the door, with his arms folded across his olive-green sweater-clad chest. The sweater shifted his eye color to more green than brown. She swallowed. Was this man serious?

“Are you for real?” she demanded. The words slipped out before she could stop them. “You’re worried about my distress? Where was that worry when Cash here was giving me the choice of join the Society or die?” She jumped to her feet and advanced on him. “How sorry were you about my distress then?” she demanded with a poke on his chest.

Cash gasped quietly and an electric shiver ran down her spine. Archer’s face was a mask of blandness, but the coldness in his eyes told her that he was not pleased that she’d pushed him. Fear chased over her nerves and settled in her stomach.

No, dammit! She wouldn’t back down. She’d come on strong, led with her anger, and backing off now would make her look weak. She was fucking tired of being weak Goddammit. She’d been weak this whole trip. Knocked sideways. Falling in the canal, and then almost getting stabbed in the square. And then Umberti and his shit. Someone shooting at her. Breaking into her room. Now Archer’s platitudes were her last straw. She was tired of being the victim.

She wouldn’t back away from this fight.

“Ms. Day, I suggest you calm down.” Okay, he went all formal now, calling her by her surname. Riss wanted to look at Cash for support, but doubted she’d find it. Archer continued, “You are alive and here because I extended my help and the security of the Society to you. I could have just as easily had Cash leave you out in Venice to be killed or had him do it himself. Gratitude is not necessary, but I won’t be abused by you either.”

“Bullshit!” she snarled, and his eyes widened a fraction. “Don’t you dare claim you saved me for altruistic reasons. You had Cash save my ass because you want the bible just as much as I do, and I am the only lead you have. You know it and I know it. Gratitude, my ass.” She snorted.

Cash cleared his throat and stiffened his nonchalant posture.

Just then there was a knock at the door. Cash heaved a relieved breath and opened it. Dominick stood in the hall with a tray of coffee and some pastries. “I can come back if now is a bad time.”

“No,” Archer said. “Now is a perfect time. Ms. Day.” He nodded once and then left the room. Riss glanced at Cash, and she was pretty sure he was trying not to laugh. The edges of his mouth had turned upward but he followed Archer out.

She let out a big breath. “Thanks, Dominick. I appreciate the snacks. You probably just saved my ass with your timing.”

“It did seem like a good moment to enter,” he agreed, and she glanced at him surprised. There was a twinkle in his eyes. “The doors here aren’t as thick as they appear. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone speak to Mr. Gray quite like that before. I wouldn’t advise doing it again.” He gave her a small nod and then headed toward the door.

“Biscotti can go with you if you want. Apparently, I am no longer in danger.”

“Very good, Miss.” He snapped his fingers and the dog shot off the bed. Dominick closed the door quietly as they left.

Riss grabbed the coffee and went back to the chair. What the hell was she supposed to do now?


Cash fought to keep a straight face as they went down the stairs. He’d loved seeing Riss get her feet under her. She’d been getting quieter and quieter. He knew the feistiness was in there. His gut still ached a bit from where she’d demonstrated her ability to protect herself. He absently rubbed a fist over the spot she’d struck below his sternum. He was glad to see it come out. He was damn proud of her. Not many would stand up to Archer like that. Not many at all. At least, no one who might have lived to tell about it. He was delighted she was able to hold her own.

Archer said. “I can see the appeal of our newest member.” He glanced at Cash with a ghost of a smile on his face. “Just be sure to stay vigilant around Ms. Day or it could end badly.”

Cash frowned. Vigilant. What the fuck did that mean? If he meant Cash should guard against developing feelings for her then it was way too late for that. It had done his heart good to see Riss find her footing again.

Wait. What did he mean he could see the appeal? God, Archer was such a conundrum. Cash’s amusement died and he glared at his boss’s back as they entered the security center. If Archer made a move on Riss, he’d kill the man. No question. Or die trying.

Archer went to the office with the monitors. “Anything?” he asked Antonio.

The other man stood up from the chair. “See for yourself.” He hit a few keys on the keyboard and the video started to move. The time counter said four-oh-eight a.m. Vanessa was in the garden. She was wearing a long black robe. She opened the side door to the alley.

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