Page 5 of Locked Out

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“And if I refuse? I can start yelling at the top of my lungs and people will come running. I’ll tell them you’re stalking me.”

He grinned. He couldn’t help it. She’d figured it out a lot faster than he’d thought she would. “You’ve never been to Italy before, have you? Do you know how many screaming matches take place in the street here? It happens all the time. No one will come running so feel free to scream your head off.”

As if on cue, a woman started yelling at a man and hitting his arm outside of a restaurant just steps from where they stood. She hurled words at him in rapid-fire Italian, arms flying in wild gestures. Then he started yelling back. She glanced around. Cash was right. The tourists were watching but no one was stepping in to help.

“God, it’s good to be right.”

“You’re insuf?—"

“Yeah, yeah. Insufferable. You aren’t the first woman to tell me that.” He shot her a cocksure grin. “You have a choice…You can let me walk you safely back to your hotel, or I can throw you over my shoulder and carry you there. I’m good either way, especially since you are kind of small. I would prefer to walk beside you, though. Fewer questions, you know?” He was enjoying this far more than he should be. Her eyes snapped like firecrackers, which just made her sexy as hell. Muscles below his belt twitched a little. And then there was the taste of strawberries and champagne.

“You wouldn’t dare,” she said through gritted teeth.

He leaned in and rubbed his knuckles over her cheek. “Try me, kitten.”

She glared some more but finally turned and started walking again. He had to admit he was disappointed. He would’ve loved to throw her over his shoulder and carry her through the streets that way, but it would’ve drawn too much attention. Sometimes being under the radar was so much less fun.

He caught up to her in seconds and took her hand. She tried to jerk free, but he held tight. He knew he was annoying the hell out of her which made her look sexier by the minute, with her violet eyes snapping at him and her rosy cheeks. Her lips looked slightly swollen from when he kissed her and he felt a rush of desire to do it again. But he was really holding her hand because of the crowds. Venice was notorious for pickpockets and thieves. He wanted to be sure he could pull her out of the way if necessary. No need to share that with her though. He enjoyed the fire in her eyes so much more this way.

Five minutes later they were walking into her hotel. She stopped dead. “We’re here. I’m fine. You can go now.”

He cocked an eyebrow at her. “You’re going to buy me a drink.”

She snorted. “I don’t want to buy you a drink.” She leaned closer to him. “Out there maybe no one would notice but if I start screaming in here, you can bet your ass people will come running so back off,” she snarled.

He tried to keep a straight face, but it was damn hard. “I love it when you’re feisty, kitten,” he said in a quiet voice.

She frowned and then moved back. “You need to go.”

“Actually, I am going to have a drink at the bar, and you’re going to join me and tell me all about your necklace without freaking out this time. And I will tell you about Alicia, the woman you look like. If you’re nice, I might even show you a picture.”

She set her jaw and folded her arms across her chest as she glared at him. She was still wildly pissed off at him but now she was also curious. She bit her lip and narrowed her eyes as she studied him. Cash fought to remain still and patient while she made up her mind, instead of just grabbing her and dragging her to the bar. It was one thing to piss her off out there but now he needed her to talk to him. There were unanswered questions about Alicia’s life and her death, and he knew this woman held the key.

“Fine,” she blurted out and then turned, and made a beeline for the bar. She sat down at a corner table which offered a view of the door. The move to keep anyone from sneaking up on them surprised him. Maybe she hadn’t lied when she’d said she could protect herself. She’d sure as shit lied in the square when she said she wasn’t normally so accident-prone. This woman was adorably clumsy.

The table was also secluded, which suited him fine. Maybe he could convince her to take him upstairs if he played his cards right. He bit back a sigh. That wasn’t a smart idea, but man would he enjoy it.

He settled on the bench seat next to her and gestured for the waiter to come. He ordered a beer and she ordered a glass of wine.

Then he leaned back in his chair and asked, “So tell me about your necklace?”

“Why don’t you tell me about this Alicia first? I need some answers.” She was glaring again.

“Fine,” he said. “Alicia was a mem—friend of mine who was brutally murdered. The police never found her necklace. She also had violet eyes like you do. And you have the necklace now.” Were there two or had Riss come into possession of it after she murdered Alicia?

For fuck’s sake, Cash. This woman could no more kill someone than you can give birth to puppies. He didn’t know her at all, but the certainty of his belief struck a chord in him.

“Murdered? And you think I did that?” Her voice had risen, and she aimed those firecracker eyes at him. He shook his head and opened his mouth to deny the idea, but she cut him off. “How did you know her? What did she do for a living? How did you become friends? I want to see her picture.”

“You’re in a big rush all of a sudden.” He cocked his head. “What were you doing in the piazza anyway? Who were you waiting for?”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “How do you know I was waiting for someone?”

No point in not telling the truth. He leaned over and dropped his voice slightly, “Because kitten, I was watching you.”

Her mouth popped open. “It’s you then. You were the one. Why didn’t you just come over? Why all the subterfuge?” Her violet eyes flashed. “You caused me to fall in the canal. You should be buying me a drink!”

Cash frowned as their drinks arrived. Once the waiter left, he asked, “I’m the one what?”
