Page 64 of Locked Out

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Cash grinned. “Might have to lose some weight.”

“Fuck you, man.” He smirked. “I’d need to be half my size. Damn good thing she’s small. Going through into the space from the back alley is no picnic either. It’s done though.” He pointed to the screen. “I tried to hide the camera in the corner of the wall as best I could, and I put black tape over the power light so no one would notice it if they were in the space, although who the hell would want to wander in there is beyond me.” He shook his head. “Anyway, now we can watch Biscotti make his rounds every morning.”

Cash was about to make a comment about him having to watch Mrs. Turchetta instead so consider himself lucky when Archer walked in and pegged a cold stare on Antonio. “Give us the room.”

Cash’s stomach hit the floor along with the front legs of the chair he’d been leaning back in. Was the whole talk about Mongolia just a ruse to throw him off?

“Boss?” he said as he started to stand but Archer waved him back down as he dropped into the seat Antonio had vacated.

“Davis and Fisher are still here. I need to know what the hell they’re up to. They knew Davenport was here and I suspect that’s why they wanted to come.”

That was unexpected. Archer was always well informed and normally he would know the answer to that question without having to ask for help. Another clue that something was up with Archer.

“I’ll do my best to find out.” Cash cocked his head. “We don’t have any cameras internally besides on the doors. I can ask Dominick and Lena if they’ve heard anything. I’ll ask Dante and Antonio to be around the front side of the house more. Maybe they can pick something up. Davis and Fisher usually ignore anyone they deem unimportant. They certainly used to ignore me. It’s only been lately that they’ve paid any attention…” His voice died out. He raised an eyebrow at Archer, but the other man refused to rise to the bait. “Okay,” Cash continued. “That’s all I can legitimately do. If you want me to bug their rooms or install secret cameras, I can do that as well.”

Archer leaned back in the chair. “What I want and what I am allowed to do are two different things. Hold off on the bugs. Just see what you can find out. They’ve managed to close the loop and shut me out completely and I don’t like it.”


“Good,” Archer stood up. “And keep an eye on Davenport and Li. Something is off there. The balance of power is off-kilter somehow.” He shook his head. “The sooner the two of them are off the premises the better. One more thing, now that we have the bible, make it known. That should eliminate the need for security around Ms. Day. Whoever tried to take her out, it had to be over that damn book. No one would be stupid enough to take on the Society.”

“Okay. I’ll tell Crosera. He was the one who said he had a lead on it. And Umberti. That should do it.” Cash wasn’t sure the Society was the deterrent so much as Archer Gray. No one with an ounce of sanity wanted to cross him. He was a stone-cold killer who had no mercy and a highly developed sense of revenge.

A knock rattled the door. “Enter,” Archer yelled. It was Louis. “There’s a bit of a ruckus in the library between Mr. Li and Mr. Davenport.”

“Shit,” Cash was on his feet in an instant with Archer on his heels. The two men were in the library in under two minutes flat.

“What seems to be the problem gentlemen?” Archer asked in a quiet voice.

Davenport pointed at Li. “He brought a weapon into the house, and I want him thrown out for it.”

Archer cocked his head. “I see. And why do you propose I do that? Did you actually see the weapon? Did he pull it on you?”

“No, but he has one. If you don’t kick him out then I want one of my security detail allowed on the premises at all times.”

“Not happening.” Archer shook his head. He signaled to Cash and then leaned over and whispered. “Go search Davenport’s room. See if he’s hiding anything.”

Cash took the stairs two at a time and hit the second floor landing in seconds. As he moved passed Riss’s room, anger burned in his gut. He still couldn’t believe he fell for her lies.

He quickly opened Davenport’s door and entered the room, closing the door after him. The place was a mess. There were dirty clothes and towels all over the floor. The living room area was littered with candy bar wrappers. The bedroom was a disgusting mess. The bed was unmade and something dark stained the sheets. A soda can was tipped over on the floor, with a puddle formed under the spout. And more clothing had been thrown around. Even the air was foul, like he hadn’t flushed the damn toilet after he took a shit. The man was a pig.

Or completely stressed out, which tracked with what happened yesterday at the meeting. Something was definitely off with Davenport. Business wasn’t as good as he liked to project.

Cash methodically searched the room. He rifled the drawers and the closet haphazardly because they were already such a mess, chances were good Davenport wouldn’t notice.

He searched the bathroom and the nightstand. He stood in the middle of the room and looked around, seeing fuck all. Davenport had real security. Not former gang members but real trained personal security people. What would they tell him? What would he tell someone like Davenport? Or Riss? He shut his brain down on that thought. He had to keep her out of his mind. Or she’d just cloud his judgment again.

He closed his eyes for a second and then they popped open. He headed to the closet. Leaning down, he checked the idea that had come to him. Yes. Archer would be pleased. Cash returned to the library, where he found one more occupant than he’d left.

“I’m sorry, Archer.” Davis shook his head officiously. “I believe Mr. Davenport is correct. He should be able to have at least one security guard on the premises, especially as Mr. Li had a weapon.”

Archer shot Davis a look so dark that Cash actually stumbled. He covered the awkward movement by spreading his legs wide and crossing his arms over his chest.

“Davis, this does not concern you, nor are you in possession of all the facts. Please leave while we discuss this.”

“Well, why don’t you enlighten me?” Davis demanded.

“Because it’s none of your business,” Archer snapped.
