Page 79 of Locked Out

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Curiosity was killing her, prodding her to ask, “How did you manage to make it look like Davenport died back in California on his treadmill? I mean the guy had two bullet holes in him.”

Cash tweaked her chin. “Sorry, some things have to remain secret. But treadmills are dangerous things. Take it from me, kitten.” His smirk was delightful.

“I guess I’ll take your word for it.”

“I guess you’ll have to.”

The smile was back making her stomach feel like she was on a ride at the fair. “What is it? What’s going on? I can feel it. Something is up.”

“What can you feel, kitten?” He leaned in closer as he ran his knuckle over her jawline again. “What did I tell you when I dropped you off at the airport.”

She frowned. “You said to get on the plane and forget what just happened. It would do no good to dwell on it. You said I had new adventures to go on now and I would be stronger and more prepared for them.”

He nodded. “And do you feel stronger?”

She paused. “Yes. You were right, I do feel like I can handle anything, which is good because Archer called. He wants to talk to me when I get back to New York. Wait, did he send you? Does he want to see me now?”

“I’m sure he does but that’s not why I’m here.” He tucked her hair behind her ear, making her breath catch in her throat. “What else did I say to you?”

She blinked. It was always so hard to concentrate when Cash was this close. “You said…you said, ‘but don’t forget how you got here. When you’re ready to move forward, everything you need will be right beside you’.”

“Exactly. Are you ready to move forward, Riss?”

She took in the view once more. She was stronger now. Knowing who her family was and where she came from gave her strength. It grounded her. And with Cash here she felt safe and ready to face whatever came her way.

She jerked her head around and stared at him. “That’s what you meant?” The realization just dawned on her. She couldn’t believe it. All that time worrying and feeling so damn lonely and missing him something awful. She smacked him on the arm. “Why didn’t you just tell me then that you loved me?”

“Who said anything about love, kitten?” he countered with a grin and then stood up.

“But that’s what you meant. That when I had worked it all out by myself then I’d be ready for us to be together.” Wasn’t it? Wasn’t that what he meant? Please let it be what he meant.

His lips curved up at the corners. “Took you long enough.” He hopped over the wall and wrapped his arms around her. “I knew the moment you shot Davenport to save me that you really were mine, Riss. God, leaving you at the airport was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. It damn near killed me. I’ve been on the street outside your apartment and then here in Dublin many times these past two months, but I knew. Knew you had to come to terms with everything first. I love you, Riss, but you need to trust me, and you have to be able to accept who I am and what I do. I can’t change any of that, kitten. It’s carved in stone. I am part of the fabric of the Society. I can’t just up and leave when I want. You have to be okay with all of it.”

She looked up into those gorgeous eyes and knew he was right. “I am okay with it. All of it. I thought I would be horrified by shooting Davenport and then watching you kill him, but honestly, it doesn’t bother me. What does bother me more than I can say is not being with you. I thought I lost you. That you would never trust me again. I love you, Cash.”

His eyes darkened. “Say it, kitten,” he growled. “Say it and mean it because there’s no escape for you from this point onward, no matter what.”

Her stomach fluttered. “I’m yours, Cash. Always. And you’re mine.”

He swooped down and claimed her mouth in a scorching kiss.
