Page 19 of Lone Star Showdown

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Whatever that would turn out to be.

“It’s possible the kids will be reassigned to other group homes,” she admitted. “Likely, even. I might not be able to get them back when this is over.”

Jericho looked at her, studying her. “I’m sorry.”

She had no doubts that his sympathy was genuine. No doubts either that he would do everything possible to keep them and her alive.

“I owe you big time,” she said.

The corner of his mouth lifted in that Jericho smile, and he leaned in and gave her a non-Jericho kiss. A quick peck that still somehow managed to be intimate and incredibly hot.

“Rachel, we owe each other.”

She wasn’t sure what he meant by that and didn’t get a chance to ask him because Bree started the interview.

“Tell me where you were earlier tonight,” Bree asked Paulie.

“Home,” he answered without a heartbeat of hesitation. “Well, I was before you did the bitch’s bidding and called me to come in.”

“Can anyone verify that?” Bree pressed.

“No.” Paulie gave a mock grin. “I got nobody sharing my bed these days ’cause my wife is dead.” He leaned closer to the recorder. “I want it on the record that the sheriff threatened me.”

“I want it on the record that I told Mr. Paulie Cantrell that he was obliged to come in for an interview since he’s a person of interest in an attack that left a man dead. Obliged,” Bree emphasized. “Because he could be arrested if I learn he had any part in the attack tonight or the murders of two women, Dr. Elise Cooper and Hildie Davidson.”

“More bitches,” Paulie snarled. “They all worked together to put my Marla behind bars.”

“Did you kill them?” Bree came out and asked.

“No, hell, no. I ain’t killed nobody.”

“Then, you can tell me where you were on these dates.” Bree provided the days and times the two women were murdered.

“How the fuck should I know where I was?” Paulie demanded.

“It’s in your best interest to remember,” Bree countered. “Because you have motive for wanting those women dead. Without alibis, I have grounds to arrest you on two counts of murder, and I can promise you that you won’t be getting bail.”

Paulie’s jaw turned to iron, and he took out his phone, maybe looking at a calendar or some texts. “I was home on both of those nights. And, yeah, I was probably alone.”

Bree took out her own phone and texted someone. “You live in an apartment complex that has a traffic camera right by the parking lot. I’ve requested footage for the dates and times in question. If you’ve lied to me about being home, I’ll charge you with making a false statement and obstructing justice.”

If looks could kill, Paulie would have ended Bree right then, right there. “Maybe I was wrong. I could have gone out for an hour or two. I’m not sure.”

“Well, the footage will tell me if that hour or two coincides with the murder of the two women and the attack tonight. If so, then that completes the legal trifecta of means, motive, and opportunity.” Bree stared him down. “And I’ll be pushing for the death penalty for those murder charges.”

Some of Paulie’s bravado vanished. “Now, wait a fuckin’ minute. I didn’t kill those women. I didn’t—”

Bree cut off what appeared to be the start of a tirade. “A man attacked some people tonight, and he was killed. Levi Bodine.”

Like Rachel and Jericho, Bree kept her attention pinned to Paulie, watching for his reaction. And he had one, all right. A big one. Paulie seemed to do a mental doubletake, and he cursed.

“Boddie…Bodine is dead?” he asked.

Mercy. Obviously, Paulie knew the gunman, and he seemed surprised to learn he was dead. Seemed.

“Tell me how you know Mr. Bodine.” Bree insisted.

“He’s my friend. Was my friend,” Paulie corrected, his voice still edged with that stunned tone. His expression matched it.
