Page 39 of Lone Star Showdown

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As he’d hoped, that caused her to smile even though it wasn’t a heartfelt one. Still, she’d tried, and she turned those sad-heavy eyes on him.

“How many weapons are you wearing right now and is your phone waterproof?” she asked.

“A gun, knife, and yes,” he supplied, his mind quickly filling in the blanks as to what she was thinking.

But the quickly wasn’t fast enough.

“I’ll pay for the gun,” Rachel said, taking hold of him and pulling him into the tub with her.

Jericho felt the shock of the unexpected dunk into the hot water. And then he felt the pleasure when she claimed his mouth with hers. The kiss was long, deep, and so filled with need that it made him ache.

Then, it made him hard.

No way to stave that off since he was now pressed against a naked Rachel. Still, he wasn’t sure this was the right thing.

“I don’t mind comfort sex,” he said when they had to break the kiss for air. “But I don’t want you to have regrets.”

“Give me a good climax, and I won’t regret it,” she assured him.

It was probably the lust talking. The lust fueled with the need for the grief to go away, even if only for a short while. But no matter what her motives, Jericho—and the brainless, hard part of him—decided to go along with it.

He returned the kiss, going straight to French, while he slid his hands over her breasts. She was slippery wet, and his fingers just danced right over her tightened nipples. Danced lower, too, to her stomach.

Then, lower.

While he tried to distract her with kisses on her neck. Thank heaven for familiar hot spots, he slipped his fingers inside her, making sure he brushed against the right spot. The place that would give her that good climax.

Or so he thought.

She started out just right. Moaning. Her eyelids fluttering down. Her teeth clamping over her bottom lip. Pure ecstasy on her face. He figured a few more strokes into all that wet heat of her center, and he’d send her flying.

Rachel had other ideas.

She turned him, flipping him so that his back was against the tub and he was sprawled out with her on top of him. There was a warrior look in her eyes now as she yanked off his shirt and kissed all the places on his chest that made him react as she had just seconds earlier.

Yeah, hot spots ruled. And she knew every damn one of his.

She still had clever hands, too, because she got him unzipped, shoving down his pants and boxers just enough to fist her hand around his hard-on. He heard himself make a hoarse sound of pleasure. Felt his body climbing higher and higher.

Rachel upped the climb even more.

Even though his dick was partially below the water, she ducked down her head and took him into her mouth.

Jericho cursed every word of profanity he knew.

The woman could torture the hell out of him, and he had to grit his teeth to stop himself from going over. He’d waited too damn long to have sex with Rachel, and he didn’t want this to be a one-sided deal. He wanted to give her that good climax, and for that to happen, he wanted to be inside her.

Thankfully, she had to breathe again, so she lifted her head. She was smiling when she emerged, and with the water sliding down her face, she locked eyes with him.

“Condom,” he managed to say.

Jericho hauled himself out of the bathtub. Not an easy task since he was wearing combat boots, gear, and weapons. But he finally got out. No thanks to Rachel, who was giving him a hand job as he made his exit.

If this foreplay kept up, he’d be well past the primed stage.

He peeled off his clothes and gear as fast as he could. Then, he grabbed a condom from the vanity drawer. He’d barely gotten the damn thing on when Rachel pulled him back in the tub.

And then the real fun began.
