Page 107 of The Devil's Vice

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I still don't know how Kain found the pigeons or managed to capture them, and he seems to find some sick joy in my not knowing. Like it's a secret between him and the birds.

"I'll see you guys later! Don't let those babies hatch without me!" I tease, laughing at the coo that sounds in response. My steps are light as I walk to my new car, and for some reason, I find myself whistling.

My eyes scan the chart in my hands, looking over the patient’s information. The woman in front of me was admitted after a nasty tumble down the stairs. At least, that’s what she’s claiming.

I’d taken one look at the yellowed bruises around her throat and the fresh cut on her upper lip, and I knew she had lied. I take a quick glance at her over the top of the chart, and my heart squeezes at the hollowness in her light brown eyes.

Without a word, I stand and walk to the door, peering both ways down the hallway before pulling it closed. When I return to the bedside, the woman’s eyes are searching my face, an unspoken question shining behind those hollow pools.

I place my hand at the edge of her bed, meeting her with a gaze that says I know.

“Is there a reason you said you fell down the stairs, Jill?” I ask, keeping my voice soft. Her eyes jerk to the door, and I shake my head softly. “It’s okay. No one can hear you in here. You’re safe.”

Her throat bobs, and her eyes glaze over as she stares at a spot on the wall. “I’m never going to be safe. Not while he…”

I place my hand on top of hers, and her eyes fill with tears as she looks up at me. “I’m scared.”

“I know,” I whisper, my heart cracking at the sight. “If you tell me who hurt you—”

She shakes her head violently, cutting off whatever I was going to say. “It won’t make any difference. You don’t understand. His family, they’ll make it go away. Or worse. I’m afraid they might… hurt me.” The last words are barely a whisper, combined with another frantic glance toward the closed door as if her attacker will appear there any moment.

I squeeze her hand lightly, drawing her attention back to me. “What if I told you I know someone who can take care of your… problem?”

For a second, there’s a sparkle of hope in her eyes, but just as quickly as it comes, it fades, replaced with that hopeless melancholy. “I already told you. The police won’t do anything. I’ve tried.”

I shake my head slowly. “I’m not talking about the police, Jill. Just tell me the name.” I’m not sure what she sees in my eyes, but it’s enough for her to take a deep breath.

And whisper his name in my ear.

I pull back with a nod, my silent promise to her. This man—no, this monster—will be dealt with.

“I’ll be right back,” I say, patting her hand before standing and moving to the door. “I promise.”

Pulling out my phone, I thumb over to Kain’s contact and dial the number. It rings once and then clicks through.

“Hello, flower,” the voice purrs. “Who do you have for me today?”

A twisted smile tips my lips, thinking of all the ways Kain will make the stranger pay for what he’s done to that poor woman. After all, I have a duty as a physician and will protect my patients by any means necessary.

A year ago, the thought of darkness living inside me would have made me shudder. Now…

When I tell him the name, it’s satisfaction—not regret—that floods my veins.

I guess if you dance with the devil long enough, you pick up some of his habits.
