Page 28 of The Devil's Vice

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I want to strangle him. “All of it.” You fuck.

He sucks his teeth. “That’s gonna cost extra. There’s some juicy stuff here.”

“Fine,” I growl. “What do you know?”

He cackles, and I listen to him snort something in the background. Fucking druggie. “I love it when you talk dirty to me, Hellfyre.”

I roll my eye, my steps quickening down the crumbling sidewalk. “Talk, sicko.”

“Not without my payment, Re—”

“Don’t you dare,” I hiss, my grip tightening at the mention of my birth name. Not unless you want to lose your fucking tongue. I’ll find you, motherfucker. I’ll find you and kill you.

“You’re no fun,” he whines, followed by another faint snort. “Fine. I’ll tell you one thing, and one thing only. When I get my money, you get the rest.” I wait, listening to him suck a line the size of Nebraska. “How much do you know about the inner workings of Moriton Memorial?”

If I knew anything, I wouldn’t be paying your crazy ass. “Not much.”

He scoffs. “Well, you should. The Serpents are running a tight little operation out of your beloved’s place of employment. I’m surprised you didn’t know. After all, you two are rivals.” He clicks his tongue. “Such a silly little practice.”

Prick. “Is Lillith in danger?” I ask, my heart already picking up speed.

“So it seems,” he murmurs. “It’s a good thing you’re not the only one looking after your Lillith.”

“What the fuck does that mean?” I snarl. Is someone else watching her? If he’s been keeping that bit of information to himself, I’ll wring his scrawny fucking—

“Before you go all murderous on me, I don’t know who for certain. What I do know is there was an order to administer a little… heart-stopping agent when she passed out today. That obviously didn’t happen, so…”

“Who?” I ask, my voice terrifying even to my own ears. “Who was going to administer it?”

“Sandra Payne.” He sighs, sounding bored by my line of questioning. “Head nurse of trauma. She’s been siphoning drugs from her patients and underlings and distributing them to the Serpents. Pretty nifty, if I do say so myself.”

“Why? Why do they want to hurt her?”

“Is that really what you want to waste your question on?”

“You’ve been pretty forthcoming so far.”

“Yes, but now I’m getting bored.” A yawn sounds through the speakers, mocking me. “You’re a smart boy. You can figure out the why, yourself. Now, if you wanted to ask me where Ms. Payne has been storing her drugs—you know, so you can pay me—well, that might be a slightly better question. But that’s just my humble opinion.”

I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose so tight I see stars. “Where are they?”

“In a storage locker on 50th. Bless her heart, the poor thing even put it under a fake name. I love how stupid people are sometimes. Like, why bother if it’s going to show up on your payment records with everything else?” He chuckles, the static distorting it and making the laughter sound creepier than it should. If I was a weaker man, I might have shuddered.

“Ping me the info. I’m heading there now,” I bark, homing in on my bike lurking in the alleyway across the street.

“Sure thing,” he coos. “Oh, and Kain?”

“What?” I ask, swinging my leg over the bike.

“Make sure you get me the money by tomorrow night. You won’t like what happens if it’s late.”

I rev the engine. “Are you trying to threaten me, Ghost?”

“No.” A maniac cackle springs through the speakers. “Just reminding you that I know where to find Lillith, too.”

He ends the call, and I see red. I knew involving him would turn out to be a mistake. I fucking knew it. Blood boiling, I kick off the pavement and speed in the general direction of 50th Street. I’ll get the fucker his money, all right.

And Sandra Payne dies. Tonight.

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