Page 30 of The Devil's Vice

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“I’m so sorry, Lillly,” he whispers, his voice cracking like he’s seconds away from breaking down. “Are you okay? God, I’m such a fucking moron.”

“It’s… fine,” I mutter, wondering what in the hell caused his change in temperament. “As long as you promise you won’t make me go to the infirmary.”

His grip tightens on my arms as a shadow crosses his face. “Only if you can convince me that you’re really not sick. Then I’ll consider it.”

I let out a huff, knowing by his stony expression that I would have to give him something if I wanted to get out of this situation.

“Look, I’m just stressed out. Last night was the first time I got some sleep all week. I’m tired and stressed, but that’s it.”

Drew eyes me dubiously, still not letting up on his hold. “Why haven’t you been sleeping? And where’s your necklace?”

“My—necklace?” I frown. “It got lost in my sheets this morning, and I didn’t have time to find it. Why?”

Drew waves me off, his brows pulled together. “Never mind, I don’t know why I was asking. What really matters is why you’re not sleeping.” He pins me with a sharp gaze, and I know he won’t let this one go.

“I don’t know. A million different reasons.” I sigh, my mind wandering to the earlier look on Sam’s face. “Mostly because the area I live in is super creepy.”

Drew blinks several times, seeming surprised by my answer. “That’s it? Really?”

“What do you mean ‘that’s it’? Are you trying to say I’m overreacting?” I huff.

“No, not at all!” Drew finally releases his hold, dropping his palms back down to his side with a chuckle. “It just so happens that I have the perfect solution to your problem.”

“And what’s that?” I ask, eyeing him with slight suspicion.

“I’ll come over tonight and keep you safe.” He grins, puffing out his chest with the confidence of a man who just made an offer I can’t refuse. “We’ll rent a movie, pop some corn, order a pizza, and just relax. It’ll be awesome.”

“I don’t know…” I mull over his proposal. It’s not like last time, not like he’s demanding anything of me. Plus, I could use a friend after everything that’s been happening.

“Come on. Don’t you want a big, strong man to come over and protect you?” he asks, a cheeky smirk lighting up his features. “What’s the worst that could happen? You fall asleep on my lap and get the best night’s rest of your life?”

I look up into his hazel irises, bright and hopeful with the opportunity to spend an afternoon with me. Drew is one of my closest friends here, and I trust him implicitly not to pull something creepy if I do invite him over. Plus, I really would like to get some sleep. If having Drew around can help me achieve that, then who am I to reject his offer?

“Sounds good to me,” I say, my lips tipping in a small smile as his face lights up like a kid on Christmas morning.

“Awesome.” He grins, brushing his bangs back from his face. “I’ll go home after I get off and grab the popcorn. I should be able to get there by, I don’t know, eight thirty?”

“Sure.” I grin, watching his back as he steps over to the elevator. The doors slide open, and he steps inside, turning to give me a little wave.

“See you tonight!” he calls right before the doors slam shut. It occurs to me that he never asked for my address, but I shrug it off. He was probably just so excited that he forgot, and I could always text it to him later.

I turn away from the steel doors with a sigh, realizing I still have a whole list of patients to get through before I even think about relaxing tonight. I just hope inviting Drew over doesn’t turn out to be a mistake.



The pea-sized tracker pops out of Lillith’s locket into the palm of my hand. I place the metal device between my molars and grind it to dust, spitting the remnants onto the pavement below. My chest tightens as I push the two gold hearts together and pocket the necklace. Who the actual fuck is tracking her? Ghost is supposed to be on top of things like this. Otherwise, what the fuck am I paying him for?

My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I want to scream. If this is John, I swear to fucking God… I frown down at the number lighting up my screen. Speak of the devil.

I pull the device up to my ear. “Ghost.”

“Kain,” he deadpans. “I don’t have long. How much do you know about her friend Drew?”

My fingers tighten around the phone. The timing of this call is way too fucking auspicious. “Not much. Why?”

“You’re going to want to see for yourself.”
