Page 36 of The Devil's Vice

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I cross my arms over my chest as I glare at the behemoth in front of me. John lounges lazily in his armchair, combing his hand over his thick beard with a cocked brow.

“What in the fuck crawled up your ass tonight?” he snaps, looking unimpressed.

The tip of my boot taps restlessly against the hardwood floors. “I have somewhere to be, old man.”

“Watch it, Kain,” he warns, dropping his hand from his beard and sitting up straight. “I’m still your leader.”

Yeah. You keep saying that. I roll my eyes. “Why did you call me?”

John sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. “I was hoping you would come in here with an explanation.”

“For what?” I demand. Since when do I need to explain anything I do around here?

“You fucking took out a member of the Serpents without consulting me, that’s what for!” he roars, standing up with such force that the chair crashes to the floor behind him. “What the fuck were you thinking? Oh, that’s right, you weren’t!” he seethes, his face purpling with rage bubbling to the surface.

I groan, rubbing a hand over the left side of my face. “Who told you?”

“None of your fucking business, that’s who,” he snarls, pacing back and forth. I roll my eye, worry hardening my gut. Did Wes tell him? I can’t imagine he would, but if he didn’t tell John, then who?

As if reading my mind, John spits, “I got word from my informant, Orion, this morning. The Serpents are frantic. The man in charge of funneling girls into their operation is missing, and no one can figure out what happened to him. I could only assume it had something to do with you.”

Relief replaces the unease swirling in my gut since he brought me here. Wes kept his mouth shut. I should have known better than to doubt my best friend.

“I didn’t do shit,” I deadpan, feigning a bored expression. “I’ve been laying low per your orders, remember?”

John’s jaw clenches. “I don’t fucking believe you.”

Well, that sounds like your problem. I shrug, standing from the impossibly uncomfortable leather armchair. “Can I go now? It sounds like you have a shitstorm on your hands.”

“Sit the fuck back down!” he bellows, slamming his palm onto the desk. I cock my head, unflinching.

“Are you accusing me of something, Onyx?” I ask, my eyes darkening with my tone. We both know you can’t take me in a fight anymore. I’d hate for you to push me to do something we’d both regret.

John scoffs, but not before I catch the flash of fear in his bright blue irises. He’s scared of me. Good.

“Goodbye, John,” I say, turning to stalk from the office. His voice breaks the silence as my fist wraps around the handle.

“You can do what you want, Kain. I just ask that it’s not at the club's expense.”

My shoulders shake. “I’m the one holding it together. You should remember that sometime.” I slam the door behind me, stomping out of the club and over to my bike.

I’ve already wasted enough time away from Lillith.





I’ve screamed my voice raw. My wrists ache, and they’re bloody and bruised from the sheer amount of times I’ve banged them against the cage bars. I’ve all but accepted my fate as I lie lifeless on the floor of my captor’s bedroom. God only knows where I am. I can’t hear any traffic outside, so we must not be in the city anymore. The thought gives me no comfort, no hope that I’ll ever be able to escape.

Is anyone looking for me? Do they even realize I’m gone? Do they care?

I shake the thought away. Someone will look for me. The hospital will wonder where I’ve gone. It’s not like me to be a no-show. Give it a few days, and they’ll get suspicious.

That is, if you last that long.
