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The guy smiled. “You got that right.”

Austin took the packet from the guy with a nod and wrapped his arm around his brother’s shoulder as they walked away. “You know what, brother? I think this is our year.”

“Yeah, I mean, who can go against us with God on our side?” Adam said with a whoop as he dashed out from under Austin’s arm and toward Pops. “3-16, Pops! We got 3-16!”

“Well, if that’s not a sign, I don’t know what is, boys! Seems like the Lord is lining things up right and left for us, doesn’t it?” Pops, though still thin, stood with a strength, almost a more pronounced strength, like a man who had faced the fire and came out again. In a way, he had.

“Sure does, sir,” Austin said as he came up grinning like he had already won, because in his eyes he had. They were at the Nationals, and Pops was right here with him. What more could he ask for?

And in that moment, he pushed the question away, because there was more…but it didn’t overshadow the gratitude that he felt in this moment. He decided to focus on that instead of thinking of what might be lacking. With this growth came faith, faith that all would come out right in the end.


Austin shut his eyes, his breathing slowing. Buckley settled underneath him as if he sensed the need for calmness. Austin normally didn’t pray before an event, didn’t think something so small was worth God’s effort, but today he did pray, a prayer of gratitude.

Thank You, Lord, for the honor of being here in this moment in the box in the Nationals. Thank You for Your grace in saving Pops so he could be here with us. Your love, kindness, and forgiveness inspire us to be more like You. Then, almost as an afterthought, he added one more line. Allow us to show honor to You in these next three seconds.

Austin opened his eyes as a wash of peace came over him. His gaze fell on the steer in the chute next to him. It kept crashing into the left side, closest to him, and a knowing filled him. He signaled to Adam to be prepared for a left turn. Adam gave him a solid nod, his eyes focused in determination. Win or lose, he was proud to be at his brother’s side.

The last ten days of the Nationals had him focused on a single intent: make his family and God proud. With each win, they came closer to the possibility of earning that National title. Knowing that possibility added pressure, but he tried to keep his focus on the real prize. Pops’ presence with his crooked grin, Mama’s tearful hugs, Adam’s shining pride, and hearing Charlotte encourage him even from miles away made it all worth it.

Austin took three deep breaths, in and out, he sat back in his seat, in and out, he soothed Buckley, rubbing his strong neck, in and out, going through the motions in his mind, patience, three swings around his head, release, steer to the left and tighten. He drew in one more breath and gave the chute man the nod.

The steer bolted from the chute, and Austin urged Buckley behind him, holding back three strides, then swing, one, two, three, and the rope swung out of his hand just as the steer turned left in front of him. The rope slightly caught on Austin’s finger, making it wobble, but giving it just the angle needed to loop around the steer’s horns. Before it fully settled, he turned Buckley, and the steer came along. Adam’s rope snaked out so quickly Austin hadn’t even seen him release it. He pulled Buckley back, assuming his brother’s rope would hit its mark. Adam almost always hit his mark, and today was no different. The ropes tightened and Austin released his held breath as he met his brother’s earnest gaze.

Had they done it?

There were still two teams to go, but none so far got lower than a three and nine. In the arena, three, four, or even five seconds felt like a lifetime. It was hard to judge the speed beyond how smoothly they had pulled off their part of the event.

Austin shook his hand, rippling the rope to free the steer, then guided Buckley to chase him to the holding pen. Once the steer was secured, he slowed Buckley as he came alongside his brother on Turbo.

“What do you think?” he asked.

“I’m afraid to hope,” Adam said as he glanced at the judges.

“Well, either way, it was my privilege to be your partner at the Nationals.” Austin held out his hand; his brother clasped it.

“As was mine,” he said, grinning.

“This was the dream, brother.” Austin looked around, soaking in the biggest crowd that cheered almost frantically for them. “Not winning, just being here, and we did it. We did it!”

“We sure did, bro.” Adam clasped his hand tighter to him before releasing it.

The crowd erupted, drowning out the announcer’s voice. Austin spun, looking for the lighted scoreboard. “I can’t see it. Where is it?”

“There!” Adam pointed, grasping Austin’s arm with his other hand. “Look!”

Austin followed his brother’s pointing finger, squinting, sure he read the numbers wrong, but they were there shining forth for the world to see: Three and Three. “No way…” The shock was too much. It hit him hard. He held a hand over his heart, ensuring himself that it continued to beat, not being able to hear it over the thunder of the crowd surrounding them.

Adam gave a massive whoop, which caused both Buckley and Turbo to side step and dance their way out of the arena. Austin shook his head, not believing they tied for the record. Win or lose, that was something to be proud of.

He searched the crowd, looking for Pops, warmth filling him when he found his beaming face and Mama’s teary-eyed one. Then his gaze landed on the gal standing next to him, and he didn’t think. He slipped off Buckley, thankfully remembering to hold onto his reins, and strode toward Charlotte.

“You made it,” he said, gratitude filling him more than any win could.

“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” she said, nestling into him and wrapping her arms tightly around him. “You were amazing! Congratulations.”

His world was complete. His two loves together…accomplished…real. He squeezed his eyes shut, thanking the Lord for not giving up on him and leading him to where he was meant to be…right here in this moment.
