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“Not seeing the problem. He has lawyers and judges on his payroll that can bounce him.”

"He has, but John Grack from the Department of Public Prosecutors, isn't and he's out to make an example of Fish and a name for himself. He could be a danger to us down the track if we're not careful."

“One fucking thing at a time. I’m still not seeing why we should be concerned.”

“Judge Simms saw Fish come up on the emergency docket and had a quiet word with John to see what he’d request. John asked for Fish to be remanded because he said they were doing a deal and he would be at risk if he was out on the street. Fish agreed he would give the prosecutor information on illegal activities and the men involved if he was spared jail time and put into witness protection.”

Despite the stress of the situation, I laughed.

“He thought he’d be safe from us, is the man an imbecile?”

Casey shrugged. "Judge Simms called me and said he'd delay the hearing to give us time to get men down there. Savastino and Cosimo went straight down and got back here a few seconds before I called you. They're in the basement with him. I knew if I called you after what happened earlier, you'd storm down there and do something to land yourself in jail. I figured it would be better to call you once we had Fish here. I hope I did the right thing."

"You're right. I probably would have put a bullet in the arsehole in front of a bunch of judges and lawyers. You did the right thing. Give Simms a year's membership on us and get Vestor down here."

“Henry, call Vestor and keep him here while we’re downstairs,” Casey instructed.

Henry made for the phone as the rest of us left the office. At the end of the hallway, where the office was located, Casey entered a code into a panel before pressing his thumb onto a pad, releasing the steel door.

I heard the door slam shut as we walked down a steep set of steps and into a well-lit space. Savastino and Cosimo nodded, and I gave them a chin lift.

Fish was naked, his wrists bound and attached to a rope threaded through a ring in the ceiling. He’d been hoisted upwards, and his toes barely brushed the floor. The muscles in his chest and arms bulged with the effort of taking the weight of his body.

I indicated a slasher knife with a 30cm blade on a bench nearby and Savastino handed it over.

“Get the welder and power ring ready,” I instructed.

“I’ve been told you were ready to make a deal. Are you really so fucking stupid?”

“I wasn’t…”

I sliced through the skin of his upper left arm, exposing the muscles and Fish let out an ear-piercing scream. The sound ricocheted off the walls of the space."

"Men in this establishment know to keep their mouths shut and jail is always the preferred option if they get into trouble. Crossing me will give you a one-way ticket to the afterlife because there is nowhere you can hide."

“I won’t say anything,” Fish sobbed.

I shook my head and stepped back as his bladder and bowel released. “Too fucking little, too fucking late.”

I cut into the exposed muscles and tendons with the precision of a surgeon, and they popped as the tension was released. Fish's screams were deafening. Cosimo held up a thick cloth and I gave a slight nod before waiting while he shoved it into the crying man's mouth.

Once he stepped back, I sliced down Fish's upper right arm, disconnecting the muscles and tendons. His hands were now deep blue in colour, his arms limp and dripping blood as he jiggled on the rope.

"If you had kept your mouth shut, Judge Simms would have kept you in the lockup while he contacted me, and I could have organised your release. Agreeing to deal with the prosecutor signed your death warrant. You were warned when your application for membership was accepted that I have people everywhere. Two other men today who also thought they could cross me are now ashes and you are going to join them."

Fish’s eyes widened, he knew there was no escaping death. After the shit I’d dealt with today, I was furious and determined to make him suffer.

I exchanged the knife for the heated soldering iron from Savastino. Steam wafted from the tip into the air and it glowed red. Cosimo held the power cord clear as I dragged the tip down the length of Fish's torso. The device acted like a can opener and cauteriser, the skin tearing open and the edges burning. Blood dripped from the opening.

Feeling particularly sadistic, I ordered Casey to step behind and hold Fish’s floundering body still while I dug the tip of the iron into Fish’s left eye and then the other, obliterating both eyeballs. Fish’s body danced and convulsed, beyond his control. His screams were barely muffled by the thick cloth.

I cut open both thighs and the stench of burning flesh filled the air, adding to the stench from his repeated bowel release.

I handed the iron to Savastino who gave me an electrified wand. It was circular at the electrified end—150 volts, with a wooden handle. I touched it to the tip of Fish’s cock for barely a second and he convulsed violently.

Cosimo again held the electrical cord while I slid the ring over his cock and dragged it back and forth. Cosimo struggled to hold the convulsing man, but I managed to burn his dick until it held by a thread. Removing the ring, I held it to each ball until they were burned, shrivelled, buttons.

Fish went limp as he passed into unconsciousness. When I felt for a pulse, it was weak, barely able to be felt. He was tiptoeing on the edge of death.
