Page 11 of The Initiation

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His leadership was cut short, but JP’s picture hangs on the wall too.

When I first visited this house my freshman, sophomore, or junior year, I had to walk up the other staircase whenever I had to go upstairs. For the first few days after officially moving in this summer, I’d done the same.

Only, at the end of this hallway, another portrait of JP hangs on the wall beside the window that overlooks the back garden. Although none of us have ever mentioned it, I know all three of us have stood in front of that picture and stared at it.

Syn has never spoken about any of it—being on the same campus, living in the same house… After the funeral, he barely mentioned JP’s name. Not until he found out Tori was coming.

The picture of JP captures everything that was warm and good about him—which was pretty much everything. His face was a good reminder of all the good times we’d had when I was a kid.


Now, all I see is guilt.

Which is why I couldn’t be mad at Syn last night, even when he pointed out that he could tell how disappointed I was that he stopped me from coming inside of Tori.

I’m still not mad.

Not at Syn, anyway.

I’m mad at this fucked up situation.

After Syn left the meeting room with Tori, I followed Gemini upstairs. Unbothered by anything, in true Gemini style, he announced he was going to play a game and disappeared into his room.

Instead of going into mine, I got pulled to JP’s portrait. I’m still staring at the dark wood.

Syn is my best friend.

My brother by choice.

And so was—is—JP.

I can’t betray either of them.

Especially not for pussy.

True loyalty comes from those who are family by choice. The larger your bank account, the less likely it is for a woman to stick around longer than the minimum terms on a prenup. But chosen brothers will stick by your side no matter what fucked up shit is happening in your life.

There’s nothing that would make Gemini or Syn turn their backs on me.

Except for choosing a temporary infatuation with Victoria Reynolds over them.

Over JP.

Hours later and I still can’t stop thinking about it. Rubbing my hand over my face, I force myself out of the trance I’ve worked myself into and head inside to the gym. Basketball season is back, and even if this team will never win the championship, I should really be training as often as possible.

Although my mind isn’t really focused on my workout, I don’t stop moving until I’ve finally decided what I need to do.

Interaction with Tori only needs to happen when Syn or Gemini are around.

Besides, when it comes to new, shiny objects, this one will tarnish soon anyway.

Finally deciding to give up on the ruse of training I glance at my phone and see that Syn’s called a meeting after dinner to announce the start of Tori’s initiation.

Instead of going to the dining hall, Syn decided tonight, Seamus was going to cook. Usually, Seamus doesn’t work on a Sunday, but since Tori was moving in, Syn said he needed to be here.

The guy’s kinda creepy, but he can cook.

And tonight, I can smell something delicious when I head down into the kitchen.
