Page 28 of The Initiation

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“Unless you are expressly told by either myself, Royal, or Gemini, you will not use that front door under any circumstance. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Now, get out of my sight. You’d better hope I’m not late to my class because of you.”

I focus on reciting the six-digit number until I’m walking down the stairs to the basement. Only then do I pull out my phone and type the number in, just in case.

Then, I pull off my shoes, pick them up, and run barefoot to my room.

There’s no uniform in there.

Praying that he meant the bathroom and that I don’t need to head up to beg him for clothes—assuming he hasn’t already left for class—I run into the bathroom.



“—And thank you for volunteering, Ms. Anderson.”

Penny collides into my back as I stop in the doorway of Dr. Wright’s freshman Mass Comm class. “The fuck?” she cries. As she steps to my side and sees the professor glaring at us, she sheepishly bobs her head. “Sorry, professor.”

Dr. Wright ignores her, turning back to the class. “You can all thank Ms. Anderson for taking on the role so that you don’t have to.”

“What role?” I ask.

“Had you been in class on time, you would have heard me tell everyone that Mr. Harrington has resigned as my T.A. Thank you for volunteering your services.”

“What about me?” Penny asks. “I was behind Tori, so technically, I’m later.”

“Unfortunately, I only have one position available, but if you’re desperate for work, I can give you extra assignments,” Dr. Payne tells her.

“No, that’s fine.” Penny waves her hands at him. “I’m good.” She leans towards me. “I guess it’s kind of a lifeline and now you don’t need to look for another job.”

I’d been working in the kitchens, partly because I was trying to find anyone who could give me any nugget of information about my brother, but also, because my scholarship only covered so much, and I needed the money.

Since I quit, I’ve not had much opportunity to even think about finding another job. Still, I’m not sure if this is a lifeline or a rope with an anchor attached to it.

“Then, unless you two wish to take this class and stand up here instead of me, I suggest you sit down and stop preventing everyone else from learning.”

And just like that, Penny and I are sitting together again.

After someone defaced my desk, she’d been moved to the seat next to Quentin’s, and I’d been forced to sit at the end of Dr. Wright’s desk. With Quentin gone, that means I can take his seat.

We’re barely seated before Dr. Wright starts his lesson, and I’m grateful for something else to focus on.

A uniform had been in the bathroom.

Not my uniform. I was the only person on campus wearing the uniform exactly how it had been intended, because I could only just afford to buy the required clothes, never mind personalize them like everyone else.

This one, like the dress I’d worn last night, had been made specifically for me. Each piece was very similar to the original, but even just by touching the fabric, I could tell that they were better quality.

I’d hurriedly put them on without really inspecting them because I didn’t have the time, but there was nothing obvious about them that would get me in trouble or make me stand out in a bad way. Or even a good way.

James Keyingham University’s colors are cobalt blue and silver, but the main color in the uniform is navy. A navy blazer with silver details, including the college crest embroidered on the chest. Three buttons for guys and two for girls. In the summer, girls are expected to wear a skirt that should come to our knees, but in winter, we can wear pants.

About two weeks before midterms, the temperature started dropping, and most girls started swapping their skirts for pants. I had too—until someone had stolen them.

But pants weren’t provided to me today. I have a skirt that’s about two inches higher than my knees, and it’s also tight. Which means, not only does it ride up when I sit down, but I also have to make sure I sit with my knees locked together, otherwise I’m flashing Dr. Wright.
