Page 37 of The Initiation

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The conversation happened before I went to do laundry, so she doesn’t even know about Royal yet.

Not that I plan on telling her about any sexual activities—even if he was good…

I managed to get a couple of hours of peace to study before Syn informed me, through the Elite’s app, that I was required to wash and iron my uniforms every night.

Thanks to Dr. Wright, most of my days are now filled with classes, which means the few free hours I had left would have to be used strategically. When Royal walked into the laundry room, I’d been trying to figure out the best way I could use my time to check out the house.

Asking anyone for help had never crossed my mind until Royal was standing in front of me.

But the way he’d reacted to Syn’s name on the collar around my neck had me impulsively blurting the words out.

The previous collar had the same tag, but either Royal hadn’t seen it properly when he’d been fucking me at the initiation ceremony, or he chose to ignore it. I was sure it was the latter, because I was also sure he was trying to avoid me.

Do I think he cares for me?

If he does, the feeling isn’t mutual.

But if acting like I do means he helps, I’ll do whatever I need to.

Syn walks into the dining hall just after eight, which means he’s seen Dr. Wright’s email—even though he’s not mentioned anything about it—and he’s going to make sure I have to rush to make it to class on time.

Seeing as though Royal muttered something about protein shakes for breakfast, I push him from my mind and focus on serving Syn. Today is not the day to make a mistake.

As expected, Syn leaves me twenty minutes. He’s mentioned nothing about Gemini, so I make an educated guess that he’s not coming to breakfast. I grab another energy drink, two muffins, and eat them on my way back to the house.

Today, I make it to Dr. Wright’s classroom with a few minutes to spare.

My heart is pounding, but it’s not because of the run. The room is already full with the senior class, and I linger outside.

Dr. Wright hasn’t told me exactly what he wants me to do, and waiting at the front of the room is only going to result in the whole class staring at me.

Normally, stares and jeers, I can handle, but I’ve already spotted Syn, Royal, and Gemini sitting three rows from the front in the center, and in a few minutes, I’m going to be trapped in a room with all of them and—

“I see you’re capable of making it to class on time,” Dr. Wright says, his dry tone making me jump.

Yesterday was the first time I’ve ever been late to his class.

He walks in, stepping to the side as though he’s holding the door open for me. He waits for me to follow before he closes the door behind me. “You will sit here,” he says as the class goes quiet.

There’s a new addition to the classroom. Beside the large desk at the front, which he goes behind to set his bag down, is a smaller table. This one is square and more like an exam table than a desk.

Feeling every eye on me, I go take my seat, trying to look graceful as I sit down in a skirt that’s slightly too short.

“This is my new T.A.,” Dr. Wright announces to the class. “While I appreciate it’s hard not to miss the garish hair, if you want to pass this class, you need to keep your attention on me and not her.”

I’m not sure what my purpose is. After telling the class to ignore me, the professor does the same. Almost everything is digital, and like my other classes, Dr. Wright doesn’t have any handouts for me to give out. There are no videos to watch, so I don’t even need to get up and turn the lights off. And not that I was expecting him to let me grade any work, but he doesn’t give me anything to do either.

For nearly an hour, I sit there, trying to not look bored as I’m sure he’d jump on me if I so much as yawned. I’m also trying not to stare at Syn, Royal, or Gemini. After a few minutes, everyone else has lost interest in me, and they’re either listening to Dr. Wright or typing notes.

Royal has been glaring at the professor like he’s hoping for laser beams to burst out of his eyes and eviscerate him. Gemini actually looks like he’s playing a game, but from beneath his hood, he keeps looking over and grinning manically. Syn has barely taken his eyes off me.

And then Dr. Wright dismisses the class.

While everyone is packing up their things, Dr. Wright walks over to my side, folds his arms, and stares at me.

I look up at him, and when he doesn’t say anything, I sigh. “Do you need me to do something?”

“While I’m impressed you’ve committed everyone’s name to memory, attendance still needs submitting.”
