Page 94 of The Initiation

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Whether Syn or Gemini want me to keep it in all day, I don’t care. I shove the thing straight into the sanitary towel bin and then clean myself up as best as I can. At this point, I’m late for my next class, but I have no intention of going anyway.

When I’ve cleaned myself the best I can, I fasten my coat up, wash my hands, and then head straight back to the house. It’s Royal who’s waiting for me in the kitchen when I walk in.

“I didn’t think you’d be going to class,” he tells me. “Figured I’d come back and give you a hand.”

A hand?

I stare at him, and after a moment, he just wiggles and eyebrow at me. “Are you serious?”

His flirty smile is replaced with a frown. “You seemed ready to jump me after breakfast. I figured after that, you’d want a real cock inside of you.”

Royal may have softened over the last couple of weeks, but the reason I’ve never fully allowed myself to accept it is because of this. I’m not the only one who believes you attract more bees with honey. It’s all about sex for him. He’s nice to me because he’s using me.

Not that I fault him for that. I’m nice to him because I’m using him, too. But if it’s all about sex with him, then, just as I suspected all along, he can’t be trusted.

So why did the little bubble of warmth that appeared when I saw him just burst with disappointment?

One way or another, the end is nearly here, and I only have to do this for a little while longer. I take my coat off and toss it on the kitchen island, my blazer quickly joining it. But as I start to unbutton my shirt, Royal steps in front of me and grabs my hands.

“What are you doing?” he asks.

“You want to fuck.”

Royal doesn’t let go of my hand. “Didn’t you enjoy that?”

I shrug. “So long as you got off on it.”

“It’s only hot if you’re turned on and enjoying it too.” He pries his fingers between mine, pulling my hands away from my shirt. “Which includes this.”

Rolling my eyes, I jerk my hands free and step away from him. “Since when has that ever been a concern?”

“I have never forced you to do anything.”

“And yet, I moved into this house after signing a contract, which clearly stated I had to do everything I was ordered to.”

Crossing his arms, Royal narrows his eyes. “You’re telling me that everything that’s happened between us has only been because you’re following orders?”

“Maybe? Maybe not?” I shrug. “I don’t know anymore.”

“You do. You know I wouldn’t force you to do anything you didn’t want to.”

A dry laugh escapes me. “And the other week, when Syn had every member of the Elite hunting me down, if I’d have been brought back, would you have stopped what happened next?”

“That’s irrelevant,” Royal says, shaking his head. “You weren’t caught.”

I dip my hand into my shirt, wrapping my hand around the warm chain and pull it out, holding it up. “This says otherwise.”

“That was put on by Syn, not me. And he only put that on because you walked in here and blackmailed him to.” Royal shakes his head in disgust. “My whole life, I’ve never known Syn to succumb to blackmail. Whatever you showed him, he won’t even tell me and Gem about it. So, if you want to start talking about being forced to do something, you can start there.”

The video was of JP performing a sexual act with another guy. Yes, I’d threatened to release it if Syn didn’t let me become an initiate, but if he’d called my bluff, I would never would have carried out my threat anyway. I wasn’t about to out someone, even if they were dead. But I can’t tell Royal that. I have very few cards left to play, and I might still need the ability to bluff before I leave.

“Do you want to fuck me or not?” I ask.

Staring at me, Royal slowly shakes his head. “I don’t fuck anyone if they don’t want it, and seeing as though neither of us seem to be sure if everything until now has been because you want to, or because of some piece of paper, I’m not fucking you until you beg me.”

“Is that an order?” I ask him, arching an eyebrow.

Royal’s body tenses, but somehow, he seems to grow in front of me. His gray eyes darken, and for the first time, I really see anger in them. I’d always thought Syn was terrifying, but he’s never hidden his darkness. With Royal, this seems like the tip of the iceberg. And that suddenly makes him a whole lot scarier than Syn.
