Page 99 of The Initiation

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Fear ripples through me, but it keeps me rooted to the spot. “Someone ordered you to kill me?”

Syn’s dark eyes are locked on mine, then he breaks the stare with a shake of his head. “Not yet,” he mutters before he steps back and takes another drink. He moves over to my bed and sits down on the end of it, loosening his tie as he sips from the bottle.

I glance to the door, but instead of leaving, I stay where I am.

I’m not exactly sure what this weird mood is, or what caused it, but as long as Syn’s not actually trying to kill me, this could be an opportunity to maybe get some answers from him.

“Do you have the ability to make people—make me—disappear?” I ask.

Syn looks up at me, his eyes half hidden beneath his eyelashes. “If I was told to kill you, I would,” he tells me with no hesitation. “The only thing I wouldn’t enjoy is being able to tell your brother that I did to him what he did to me. Because, unlike him, I wouldn’t leave a body.”

His words leave a chill in me that make being outside feel like a warmer option. “Do you really think killing me will make you feel better?”

“It doesn’t matter, if I’m told to.”

“Who would tell you to do that though?” I ask. “Who would tell you to break the law?”

Syn takes another sip before leaning forward, resting his elbows on his thighs as he holds the bottle dangling between his legs. “Considering I’ve seen you with a dick stuffed in every hole, I know you’re not innocent, but are you really that naïve? There are people in this world that follow the law, people who make it, and people who are so far above it, that you never want to meet them.” He laughs, but there’s no humor there. “You’ve already met some of them, and you have no fucking clue.”

My mouth is dry, and despite the fact that my heart is pounding, I walk over to Syn and take the bottle from him. He doesn’t stop me, only watches as I take a few mouthfuls.

“Do I know too much?”

My question makes Syn laugh again. “You?”

Before he can make another swipe at my intelligence, I narrow my eyes. “Someone wants me to disappear. Why?”

“And naturally, you think this is about you.” Syn rolls his eyes. “My life is planned out for me. In twenty years, I’ll be running this country. Having you here, that puts that future at risk.”

“How?” Maybe it’s the whiskey hitting me, but that doesn’t make sense.

“Because someone thinks I’m going to do something that will stop that from happening.”

“But that someone could also tell you to kill me? Don’t you think murder would stop that?”

Syn shrugs. “In this country, I doubt it anymore. But you wrongly assume someone would find out. I might kill you, but I also have access to resources that mean you’d never be linked back to me.”

“People know I’m here, and they know why.”

There’s something about what he’s saying that sounds crazy. That, really, he needs help—professional help. And yet, I don’t doubt him. I can feel the fear pounding through my blood, and yet I also know—right now, at least—he’s not going to kill me.

But that doesn’t make him any less dangerous.

“You mean Penny Bergmann? Your only friend who might just be so distraught at you dying that she’d take her own life? Or that she’s so upset, she forgets one time to look both ways before crossing a road.”

“Penny hasn’t done anything to you,” I whisper. The whiskey sits in my stomach like lead.

Syn gets up, stalking over to me. As I flinch, he snatches the bottle back. “But don’t worry. I’d make your death look like a suicide, so as long as your little bestie doesn’t go running her mouth, she’d be fine.” He takes a sip, staring down at me as he does.

Then I’m laughing. “You might want to consider a career in writing if the White House doesn’t pan out.”

A small smile appears on Syn’s face. “You think I’m making it up.”

I shrug. “I think Synclair Keyingham wouldn’t blindly follow orders like that.”

“That’s because you have no idea who’s issuing them. Because when they tell you to do something, you do it. With no questions asked.”

There’s no doubt that Syn is dangerous, but only because he’s delusional. No one has that much influence, and Syn might be obscenely rich, but even he doesn’t have access to that much power. If he wants to kill me, he will. He’ll just do so believing someone told him to do it, or he’ll use that excuse for an insanity plea.
