Page 114 of Respect

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More than a hundred engines kicked to life and yes, the ground beneath their feet shook with that thunder. The old guard of the Bulls, including retired patches, led the formation, and the Young Guns fell in behind. After them, the unpatched club kids on their own bikes, then the allied MCs, in their own order.

Gunner and Leah rode up with the OG Bulls, in the custom bike the Bulls had built for his wheelchair. Grampa D and Grammo were up there, too, on the trike Grampa hadn’t ridden for more than a year. They four were riding along only until the run stopped for lunch and then turning back, but they were part of this run. Rad and Willa were on a trike as well, but they intended to go the whole way.

Whether they were on two wheels or three, whether they meant to ride all the way to Eureka and back, or be home by supper, every living patch was on this run. Virtually every patch had a woman riding with him. Most of the OG had some or all of their children riding behind them as well. And dozens—no, scores—of their friends were mounted up with them.

The Brazen Bulls had been called many things, most of them unsavory. Killers. Torturers. Criminals. And all of those things were true. They were outlaws of the kind civilians feared.

But Duncan wasn’t a civilian, looking at the surface from a distance. He had been nurtured in the Bulls’ arms. Raised at their tables. Schooled by their wisdom. He knew the Bulls from the inside out.

He had learned what the world was, what family was, who he was, in the clubhouse. And he knew what the Bulls were above all else: husbands, sons, fathers, uncles. They were lovers. They were friends.

Hearing Jay’s wild laughter above the roar of a Harley armada, he looked over and saw his best friend riding beside him, his woman’s arms around his chest and his arms outstretched. Duncan felt Phoebe holding him the same way and threw his head back and his arms out. At his other side, Sam followed suit, with Athena behind him grinning hugely. Then Monty, Chris, and Mason did the same. All the Young Guns, riding free, full of love and hope and the future.

Above all else, this was what the Bulls were.

They were family.



