Page 19 of On the Ropes

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Jake scowled at Heath and Luke. “I wanted to see Cassie for a minute before we got started, but they wouldn’t let me.” Jake nudged his head toward Luke and Heath.

Pastor Jenkins chuckled. “Good things come to those who wait, Jake. And with a seven-year engagement under your belt, a few more minutes won’t make much difference, will it?”

“I know it took us a while to get here, but I wanted to be sure I had everything in place to do right by Cassie. The way she deserves.”

Pastor Jenkins placed a gentle hand on Jake’s shoulder. “I know that, Jake. And that’s commendable. If more people took the time to better prepare before they got married, fewer would have problems down the road and get divorced. It took me a while before I felt ready to marry my wife, but we’re all the better for it now.”

Luke was so proud of Jake. Jake hadn’t succumbed to all the pressure from everyone around him over the years to get married before he felt ready. He wanted to do right by his bride and he couldn’t fault the man for that. And Pastor Jenkins was right, Cassie and Jake would be all the better for it.

Jake smiled. “Thanks, Pastor, I appreciate that.”

“Why don’t we pray before things get started?” Pastor Jenkins reached out and Jake and Luke each took one of his hands and one of Heath’s. With their heads bowed, Pastor Jenkins prayed over them, offering God’s blessings for a joyful day and holy union. Luke smiled when Pastor prayed for continued pleasant weather. What bride wanted rain on her wedding day? Although Luke vaguely recalled Rocco mentioning something about Italians considering rain on your wedding day to be good luck.

Just as the men finished their amens, Hannah stepped in. “Okay, we’re ready for you to take your places.”

“All right, gentlemen, I’ll see you up front. Before I go though, Luke, I was hoping I could ask you a favor.”

“Sure, Pastor.” Luke speculated on what Pastor Jenkins was going to ask. And he had no problems with it.

“I was hoping after the ceremony is over if you wouldn’t mind just saying a quick hello to my boys? It would mean so much to them. They’re—we’re huge fans.” Pastor Jenkins looked at Luke with pleading eyes.

That was it? Luke would do them one or two better. “I’d be happy to, Pastor. In fact, my uncle keeps team gear and pictures in his trunk. Good thing because I was in a rush today and didn’t bring anything myself. I can sign a few things for them too.”

Pastor Jenkins’s mouth fell open. “Luke, that’s so kind of you. My boys will love that! Thank you.”

“It’s my pleasure, I’m happy to do it.” Luke would do anything for his young fans. He got a lot of satisfaction from working with the Cobras Children’s Foundation too. He could relate to a lot of the kids in need, losing his parents so young.

Pastor Jenkins nodded with a huge smile on his face and left, leaving Hannah waiting on them.

Jake went to his garment bag and produced a black top hat, grinning like an idiot. “Luke, you’re not the only one who wants to changes things up.”

“I thought Cassie didn’t think a top hat was necessary,” Heath commented.

“I know, I just wanted to have a little fun,” Jake replied as he put the top hat on.

Hannah froze in place, a panicked expression on her face. “Changes? Other than the top hat, which doesn’t look half bad, by the way, what changes?”

Luke led Hannah out the door with Jake and Heath in tow. “Nothing too crazy, Hannah. No need to worry.”
