Page 27 of On the Ropes

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“So back to you and Luke. What were you arguing about?” Cassie asked.

Abbey sighed, wishing Cassie would let it go and Luke would get lost. When Luke hadn’t been able to make the rehearsal, she had selfishly hoped he wouldn’t be attending the wedding either. No such luck.

“Really, Cass? Do we have to do this right now?”

Cassie nodded at her. “I’m the bride, remember? I get whatever I want today.”

“Thanks a lot. Using the bride card on me, huh?” Abbey smiled at her sister. She couldn’t be mad at Cassie, not today at least. “He’s been coming on strong. I don’t even know what the hell for. He’s with Brenna Sinclair, probably married to her if what I’ve heard is true.”

Cassie shook her head. “No, he’s not married, Abbey. We’re certain of it.”

She wanted to believe Cassie. But what difference did it make? If Luke wasn’t married, he was still dating Brenna, which meant he was looking to cheat on her and Abbey would not go along with that plan. But why did the prospect of Luke not being married give her a spark of hope? Because you’re an idiot, that’s why.

“Okay, if you believe that, fine. But he’s still seeing her though. So he’s still the lying cheating jerk he was when we were together back then. Which means, I’m not interested. We’ve been over for ten years. He sure thinks a lot of himself if he thought he could breeze into town and expect me to just—”

Cassie put a hand up to stop her from continuing. “Look, whatever this thing is between Luke and Brenna Sinclair it’s … not like we’re all being led to believe on TV and the tabloids. I don’t think it’s anywhere near serious or if they’re even really together at all.”

Abbey didn’t know what to make of that. It made no sense. “What do you mean? They’ve been together for three years. There are pictures of them kissing and cozy all over the place.”

“Oh, I know that. But I don’t think those pictures are real either. Or what they’re supposed to represent.”

Abbey’s brain couldn’t process what Cassie was trying to tell her. “How can you be sure? Those pictures looked pretty convincing to me.”

Cassie sighed. “I’m sure for a few reasons. First, Luke doesn’t look at Brenna the way he used to look at you. Second, the pictures that have been taken of them seem staged. They both have brutal schedules. It’s like they came together from wherever they were to get some shots acting affectionate, then they went their separate ways until they got together to have more pictures taken. Most importantly, we’ve never met her.”

That surprised the hell of out Abbey. “Really? What about the string of blondes he’s been seen with over the years before he got together with Brenna?” Luke had been seen with several well-known blonde celebrities over the years until he started seeing Brenna Sinclair three years ago.

Cassie shook her head. “We’ve never met any woman Luke has supposedly been with, including Brenna. Isn’t that odd, considering he’s been with Brenna for three years?”

Abbey felt like she was in the Twilight Zone. She didn’t know what to make of any of this. “I don’t know what to say, Cassie. And why should I care one way or the other? We haven’t been together in years. Luke can do whatever he wants—except me.”

“I think some of Luke’s relationships and especially this thing with Brenna have been more about publicity than anything else. It’s good press for the Cobras and it’s brought a lot of attention and donations to the Cobras Children’s Foundation. You know how important the foundation is not only to Luke and Darren but to the organization as a whole.”

Cassie had a point there. The children’s foundation meant everything to Luke. Abbey herself had donated generously over the years. The foundation did wonderful work with disadvantaged children. They arranged for housing, meals, after-school programs, college scholarships, and more. Many of the players spent time with the kids too. The foundation made a difference.

If what Cassie was saying were true, and Luke wasn’t actually involved with Brenna Sinclair, that didn’t mean Abbey needed to hook up with him this weekend. There was too much bad history, too much baggage. If she let loose and had some fun, it would have to be with someone other than Luke. Abbey chastised herself for feeling disappointed at the prospect of not sleeping with Luke. Fucking him good as Luke used to say. She needed a drink to calm her mind and take the edge off, then she could continue with her reboot weekend.

Jake strode into the room with a goofy grin on his face. She and Cassie couldn’t help but laugh. “It was my turn with the top hat.” He kissed Cassie on the cheek and placed a gentle hand on her stomach. “Hello there, my beautiful wife.”

Cassie placed her hand over Jake’s on her stomach. “Hello to you, my silly husband.”

Abbey’s eyes welled up. A tinge of jealously took hold. Cassie and Jake were so happy and in love. She didn’t want to begrudge them their happiness, but she wanted the same happiness for herself.

Jake turned to the bartender. “Hey, my man, hors d’oeuvres are ready for cocktail hour. Are you ready to roll?”

The older gentleman behind the bar, with gray hair and a friendly smile, gave Jake the thumbs up. “Yes, sir! Ready whenever you are.”

“All right then. We’ve got a few guests sitting on the leather couches against the wall right outside the doors here and a few others milling around. Luke and Heath are chatting people up. Leah’s glued to Heath’s side.” Luke waggled his eyebrows.

Abbey had to hand it to Leah. When she wanted something, she went after it. “You think they’ll get together this weekend?”

“I hope they give it a try, for both their sakes,” Cassie said.

Jake took Cassie by the hand and led her to the banquet room entry doors so they could greet their guests as cocktail hour began. Abbey went to the head table and took a couple singles out of her evening bag. She cringed when she heard her cell phone chime as she walked away from the head table. She ordered a Long Island Iced Tea and dropped the bills into the bartender’s tip glass. With her drink in her hand, she joined Cassie and Jake.

For the next several minutes Abbey helped Cassie and Jake greet their guests. She knew many of the guests already and was introduced to those she didn’t,including several of Jake’s single college buddies and co-workers. Feeling a little buzzed from her strong drink, she considered a few potential candidates for her reboot weekend. She tried not to, but she’d looked for Luke a few times. When she’d found him, he winked and smiled at her. That made her heart flutter and her pussy slick. Damn him and her body!

Luke’s security detail had done a good job keeping the press away. A few of the restaurant patrons and staff had asked for selfies with him and autographs. Luke turned no one away. He had been gracious and kind. That turned Abbey on even more.
