Page 51 of On the Ropes

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“Go and get ready. You’re probably freaking because we’re going to be a little late, aren’t you?”

How did he still know her so well? “Not completely freaking out, but do I hate to be late. That hasn’t changed.”

Punctuality was one of Abbey’s biggest pet peeves. She’d always prided herself for being on time, usually early for appointments. Chronically late people annoyed the hell out of her. She knew Luke wasn’t normally late either. They’d been pleasantly distracted this morning.

He kissed her on the forehead and headed toward the door. “I won’t take long. I’ll let myself back in when I’m ready.” He left with the suite door clicking closed behind him.

It’s so much easier for a man. All they did was towel dry their hair and throw on a pair pants and a shirt.

She tossed her wedding clothing in the closet and ran to her bathroom to get ready. The spa’s haircare products left her golden-blonde tresses luxuriously soft and shiny. She’d buy some before she left the Fairchild.

Abbey hurried through but didn’t skip her skin care routine. She’d considered applying a little makeup since she had all the products that Angel had given her yesterday. When she examined her face in the mirror, she had to admit she looked refreshed and glowing with nothing on her face at all. This is what happiness looks like. Smiling at her reflection, she applied a little lip gloss and made quick work of slipping into a white satin and lace bra and panty set. Abbey chose not to look at the clock, but instead concentrated on getting ready.

She’d just slipped into a short-sleeved, floral-print sundress that showcased her boobs without showing off too much cleavage when Luke walked into the bedroom. Abbey cinched the waist ties behind her, accentuating her narrow waist and rounded hips. She loved this dress. Sexy without being slutty. Perfect for Sunday brunch.

Luke looked her over slowly, his gaze searing her as it made the journey from her face down to her bare feet. She felt her nipples react and her core slicken. Abbey shook her head. There was no time for that.

He stalked over to her and kissed her so ferociously they were both panting when he finally pulled away. “Damn, princess. You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

Abbey shook her head but still flushed at his compliment. Luke had traveled in the same circles as the most gorgeous women in the world. There was no way she could ever compete with that. Not that she wasn’t pretty, but she wasn’t the most beautiful. She knew that.

Luke frowned at her, shaking his head. “Don’t do that, princess. Don’t compare yourself to who I’ve been exposed to. To me, you are the most beautiful, the most precious person in the entire world. You always have been. Believe it, all right?”

When Luke looked at her with such tenderness, love, and desire, how could she not believe him? She wanted to because he was that to her. Beautiful and precious. He always had been.

Abbey nodded. “Okay, I will. Let me put my sandals on and I’ll be ready to go.” She looked at Luke and laughed to herself. Just like I said, pants and a shirt, although very expensive pants and shirt. He had on a black pair of Gucci Genius jeans and light-blue Gucci dress shirt nearly the same shade as his eyes.

This was Luke’s life now. He could afford anything he wanted. She wondered now that she was with Luke, how her life would change in addition to having their baby. She’d bet he wouldn’t want her to work, arguing she wouldn’t need to. Abbey didn’t have a job at the moment, but wasn’t sure if she saw herself as a full-time stay-at-home-mom kind of woman.

She pushed those thoughts aside. It was still her reboot weekend. There was plenty of time to decide about work and family starting tomorrow.

“So I was talking to my boys while I was getting ready. We decided we’re having two boys then a girl,” Luke announced as they and the two security detail reached the elevator banks. She was thankful no other guests were around.

Boys? What? “What boys? Jake and Heath?” Abbey had no clue what Luke was talking about? Two boys then a girl?

Luke grabbed his crotch. “My boys, my swimmers, my baby makers,” he replied.

Abbey rolled her eyes. “You spoke to your sperm? And what? Put in an order for two boys and a girl? In that specific order?”

If the security detail thought Luke was crazy, they made no indication of it. They stood quietly with her and Luke waiting for the next available elevator to arrive.

He flashed her a smug smile and shrugged. “Yes. We need two boys first then a girl. The order is important.”

An elevator dinged and the doors opened. Thank God, it’s empty.

“First, I don’t think you can order the birth order of children like that. Not yet anyway.” Maybe you could, with technology what it was these days. She’d have to look into that. “Second why is the order so important?” He seemed so determined.

Luke put his arm securely around Abbey’s waist, pulling her close. “I’ve got four World Series championship rings and three Cy Young awards. I can do whatever I want, princess,” Luke said confidently. “But we need two boys before the girl because our daughter will be so gorgeous I’ll need our sons’ help to protect her and keep all the other boys away from her. That’s why.”

Aww. Abbey’s heart squeezed. He couldn’t say things like that. So sweet. Abbey looked over at the two security detail and saw they were grinning and nodding slightly.

“See? The guys agree, don’t you?” Luke kissed her forehead and smiled brightly.

“Yes, sir,” both the men replied.

They reached the lobby floor and the elevator doors sprang open. Luke didn’t acknowledge the few guests waiting to enter that had recognized him. “So, it’s settled then. That’s the plan.” Luke led her by the hand to the restaurant, determination in his stride.

Abbey just smiled. How could she argue with that logic? This was her Luke. She’d play along with his plan, knowing full well Luke would adore their children regardless of their birth order or gender.
