Page 55 of On the Ropes

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Chapter Eleven

“Hey blondie, what’s your name?”

“Who colors your hair?”

“Are you sleeping with Brenna Sinclair, too? Are you into threesomes?”

“Who’s better in bed, Luke or Brenna?”

As quickly as he could, Rocco led Abbey away from the horde of press that had upended her life, but not before the vile reporters fired off disgusting questions at her left and right. Did they really think she’d answer any of their repulsive questions? What was wrong with them?

Abbey squeezed her eyes shut and let Rocco guide her down a hallway to what she hoped were the elevators. At least Luke’s security detail and the local police had finally caught up to them and had dragged the press away before they hurled any more obnoxious questions at her.

Her stomach roiled and her body shook. She’d been utterly humiliated—again. Her heart ripped right out of her chest—again. But unlike the first time Luke had betrayed her, or she believed he had, this time though, he’d truly betrayed her in front of the press. If not for Rocco nearly carrying her, she would have collapsed into a heap on the hotel floor. Wouldn’t thathave made for some entertaining pictures. Damn paparazzi.

She heard an elevator ding and the doors open. Rocco gently guided her inside. Abbey opened her eyes and pushed away from him as soon as the elevator doors closed.

“Did you know Luke was still with Brenna?” Abbey whispered to Rocco, her mind numb, her heart shredded, hot tears spilling down her cheeks. Then she thought better of it and put her hand up to stop Rocco from replying. “It doesn’t matter, does it? You’re his friend, his employee. It’s your job to protect him, right?”

Rocco sighed and blew out a breath as the elevator ascended to the tenth floor. “I am his friend and employee. You’re right. It’s my job to protect him from crazy fans, from people who might want to hurthim, not from being an asshole and treating people like shit. That’s on him.”

Rocco’s response stunned her. He wasn’t defending Luke’s awful behavior like she thought he would have. That was a surprise. Just like the surprise that Luke hit her over the head with on the first floor.

Abbey had to know though. How deep did Luke’s lies and deception go? “So, you didn’t know about Brenna? Has she been staying here at the Fairchild all weekend?”

Rocco shook his head. “I’m not sure. We haven’t seen her on the property until she showed up a little while ago. Luke had me, Jake, and Heath convinced he intended on using this weekend to win you back for good.” He shrugged and frowned at her.

Abbey snorted. He’d fooled them all. Bravo. Brenna and her acting coaches had trained him well. “Luke’s turned into quite an actor, huh? It looks like we can’t trust a word he says.”

“I don’t know what to say, Abbey, other than I’m sorry.”

She nodded sadly, not crying at least. The elevator stopped on the tenth floor and the doors opened. Rocco stepped in front of the doors, blocking her. Three hotel guards were on the other side of the elevator doors.

“It’s all clear, Mr. Moretti. The rest of Mr. Stryker’s security detail is in the hallway and we have hotel guards stationed at both stairwells,” one of the hotel guards said.

Rocco nodded and took her hand. Abbey saw six of Luke’s security detail stationed along the otherwise empty hallway near their family’s block of rooms. She dug her suite key card out of her purse and inserted it. When the door clicked, and the light flashed green, Rocco pushed the door open for her.

Abbey walked inside, turned, and gave Rocco a quick peck on the cheek. “Thank you.”

Rocco kissed her gently on the forehead. She was touched. Rocco was a good man. She hoped he and Hannah Hailey got together. They looked like they’d make a good couple. But what did Abbey know? She had stupidly thought she and Luke did too. Clearly she’d been wrong about that.

“Do you want me to come inside and stay with you for a little while? I don’t mind,” Rocco compassionately offered.

What a nice guy.Unlike Luke. Lying. Cheating. Asshole Luke. “No, I’ll be fine. Maybe I’ll just pack my things and someone can give me a ride home?” There was no reason for her to stay at the Fairchild. Not now. It would be better for her to be at her place.

Rocco smiled sympathetically at her and nodded. “Of course. Take all the time you need. We’ll get you home safely and discreetly. Don’t worry about that.”

Abbey nodded sorrowfully and closed the door. After it clicked into place, she slid down the door, drained of all emotion. Slumped on the floor with her back against the door, she silently let her tears flow. She vowed they would be the last she would shed over Luke. She was done. It was over. Abbey swiped at her face as tears continued to fall. Come on, Abbey. He’s not worth it.

She should have known better. She shouldn’t have let Luke convince her into more than just a fun weekend. How could she have been so stupid to believe all Luke’s bullshit? His so-called plans for the future? His two boys then a girl crap? She had to give him credit. He sure had her fooled. She fell for his shit hook, line and sinker.

Abbey would have spent the weekend with Luke without all the false promises. It would have been a part of the original plan for her reboot weekend. There was no reason for Luke to take things to another level with false promises of a future together. They could have had some fun and gone their separate ways on Monday, like she had intended.

But that didn’t explain Brenna Sinclair. Luke had obviously lied about not being with her. But why? Just to get Abbey into bed this weekend? That was low, even for him. Or maybe not. Luke had changed since that night ten years ago. And not in a good way.

Obviously Brenna believed they were still together. She had made that painfully clear on the first floor. In a way, Abbey felt sorry for her. To be an A-list actress like Brenna Sinclair and to find out your man was unfaithful on social media like that. Brenna had a right to be upset. She couldn’t blame her for going off the way she had.

Abbey lightly banged her head against the suite door and blew out a breath. Shit. Unbeknownst to her, Abbey was now the other woman. Damn Luke. This was all his fault. She hoped the press skewered him over this. He deserved it. Asshole.
