Page 1 of Taz's Guards

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Chapter 1



After a late-night phone call from my old boss, I couldn’t sleep. I’d be up pacing, checking on every little noise I heard, if it wouldn’t wake Taz and have him asking questions I didn’t want to answer just yet. I couldn’t live like this. In the morning I’d go to the clubhouse and corner Scout, and let him decide what we should do with this new information the FBI had dumped in my lap.

With a moan, Taz started thrashing beside me, lost in a nightmare. He didn’t get them often anymore, but with only ten days till the anniversary of his mother and sister’s deaths, it wasn’t a surprise he was having one tonight.

Rolling over onto my side, I took in my man for a few moments. The moonlight streaming in through the break in the curtains showed me the deep frown lines that marred his face as he battled his subconscious. The stubble on his jaw roughened his usually clean-shaven jaw, making him sexier in the dim light. Him mumbling “Gracie” in his sleep snapped me out of my daze.

I mentally slapped myself upside the head. Taz’s subconscious was torturing him with memories best left alone and I was lying here, taking in how sexy he looked with some scruff on his jaw.

“Taz! Babe, wake up.”

I was nervous to touch him while he was still sleeping. He was stronger than me, and if he lashed out and hurt me, he’d never forgive himself. But when my voice wasn’t enough to rouse him, I pressed up against his side. Touching as much of my body against his as I could while I cupped his jaw in my palm and kissed his cheek, I winced a little at the prickle of his scruff against my soft lips.

“Wake up, Taz. Come back to me.”


His voice was groggy with sleep, but his movements were fast. In seconds, he was on his side facing me, his arms banded tight around me, holding me hard enough I had to breathe shallowly while he buried his face into my neck and shuddered.

I ran my palm up and down his spine, trying to soothe him. My poor man, he’d been through so much in his life, from losing his family in a fire at thirteen, to being shipped halfway around the world to live with a cold, unfeeling aunt. Then there was what he’d seen and done while in the Marines. I’d be more shocked if he didn’t have the occasional nightmare.

With another moan, he loosened his hold and slipped one hand up into my hair. The sting of him tugging on a fistful lit a fire straight to my pussy. Before I could say a thing, his mouth was on mine, hungrily kissing me until my mind emptied of all thoughts but those about how well my man could love on me.

Releasing my hair, he rolled me onto my back, and leaving a trail of kisses and nips, he moved down to my breasts. Kneading one in his big, callused hand, he suckled the other nipple into his mouth, alternating between hard, sharp tugs and gentle swirls of his tongue. He’d mastered exactly how to get my motor purring in no time at all.

Reaching up, I ran my fingers through his short hair, scraping my nails against his scalp in the way I knew sent shivers down his spine. With a moan, he switched sides, giving my other breast the same treatment with his mouth. His weight was pinning me against the mattress, but that didn’t stop me from trying to wriggle my legs out from under him, so he’d be pressed fully between my thighs.

His chuckle was dark as he shifted down and latched onto the flesh just beneath my nipple before he sucked hard, no doubt leaving a mark.

“Dammit, Taz!”

He lifted his head, a sparkle in his eyes as he raised an eyebrow at me.

“You telling me you don’t like what I’m doin’, hellcat?”

He looked so much younger in that moment. All the worries from his nightmare gone, he was grinning and looking like a kid in a candy store.

“Just do it faster, Taz.”

He shook his head, “Nah, teasing you is half the fun. Gotta teach you a little patience.”

I growled when I finally got one leg out from under him. Wrapping it around his waist, I rolled us, smirking now that I was on top. “Or I’ll just take what I want.”

He laughed again, and I paused to absorb the sound. Joy mixed with my arousal that I’d managed to chase away his demons so completely. Naturally, Taz took advantage of my moment of distraction and wrapped his big hands around my waist. I gasped and slapped my palms against the wall when he lifted me, not stopping until his head was between my thighs.

“Hmm. Think I’ll have me a little midnight snack.”

Before I could give him a smartass reply, he’d lowered me down and swiped his tongue up my center. Then all I could do was moan and rock my hips against my husband’s incredibly talented mouth.

* * *


Hated that I still had that bloody nightmare, but waking up surrounded by Flick’s scent, having her soft naked body up against mine, banished all those demons darn fast. Now I had her sitting on my face as I made a meal out of her pussy. Fucking loved how she tasted. Nothing I liked better to have down my throat than her cream. Looking up at her as she arched her back, thrusting her pretty tits out as she rode my tongue, had my cock jerking with need. Shifting to suckle her clit, I thrust two fingers up inside her, zeroing in on her g-spot, rubbing it just how she liked. I slid my other hand between her thighs to run my fingertip over her rear entrance. Teasing her until she bit her lip to muffle her cry as she came and gave me the cream I wanted.
