Page 5 of Taz's Guards

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Scout must have been in his office up the hall as it was only seconds later when he came strolling through the door.

“Hey, Taz—”

That’s all he got out before Keys interrupted and had my full attention.

“Hold up, Scout. Taz, when was Flick heading in to drop off Lolly?”

I stood and moved around to Keys’ side of the desk so I could see the video feeds he was switching between. “She should have left about ten minutes after I did.”

Hera Daycare was another business run by the club, so Keys had access to the security cameras both outside and in. He also had access to their electronic attendance lists.

“Her car’s not in Hera’s parking lot, and Lolly hasn’t been checked in. Let me search the roads from your place to there. Scout, you’ve only got a few minutes to get Taz up to speed. I’m calling in Mac.”

I turned on Scout, my earlier anger at the betrayal that my club would keep anything about my family from me returning in full force.

“Mac knows too? What the fuck is going on?”

Scout held my gaze with a hard glint to his eyes that told me I wasn’t going to like what he was about to say.

“Looks like your stepdad is out of jail and might be heading this way.”

I frowned. “That makes no fucking sense. He went away for fucking murder. Even if he did get out, he wouldn’t be allowed to leave Australia.”

Scout’s expression darkened, like he wasn’t any happier about this shit than I was. “From what Keys has dug up, Gordon has an uncle who’s involved heavily in the criminal underworld in Melbourne. Guessing the motherfucker had strings pulled. Paperwork falsified. The Australian Federal Police contacted Flick’s old boss, who got hold of her to let her know. She came to us.”

I didn’t know where to start processing what Scout had just told me. When the fuck had Keys investigated my past? Since when did Gordon have any connections? As far as I knew, he’d never left the fucking house after he lost his job, and rarely left even when he had work. Certainly, he never had anyone worth knowing come around to visit his sorry ass. Then there was the fact that apparently my own fucking wife, my old lady, didn’t trust me?

I picked up the empty coffee mug off Keys’ desk and pegged it at the wall. With a loud crash, it dented the drywall before it fell to the floor in several pieces.

“That, right there, is why we didn’t tell you. Last thing we need is for you to lose your shit and go off grid with this. We’ve been monitoring the cameras searching for him but haven’t found any indication he’s here yet. Flick was protecting you by coming to us.”

With my fists clenched, I glared at Scout, roaring my words, “It’s me who’s meant to fucking protect her! Not the other way—”

Keys cut me off, “Ah, fuck.”

The roughness in his voice had me spinning to see what had happened, knowing it would be bad to have Keys cursing. The bottom fell out of my world as my worst nightmare unfolded on the screen before me.

“Oh, no. Fuck no…”

I fell to my knees as I watched my past catch up with my future. Keys had pulled up the camera feed from the one on the front of my and Flick’s house. I got to watch in high-definition color as Flick strapped Lolly into her car seat and moved around the SUV. I could see the panic flare on Flick’s face when Gordon, who’d rushed up behind her, shoved a syringe into the side of her neck. She glanced up to the camera for a moment before the bastard hit the plunger and drugged my woman.

My voice was low and gravelly with my fury and pain. “I’m gonna kill that motherfucker. Where are they heading?”

Gordon shoved Flick into the trunk of her car before he’d gotten into the driver’s seat and driven off. Lolly had to be scared out of her mind. I hoped like hell she stayed quiet so Gordon didn’t hurt her.

Keys was running the tracker on the car as well as pulling up various cameras to follow him as Mac came in. I couldn’t look at him. My former Gunnery Sergeant had always been a man I trusted completely to have my back in all things, but he was part of this conspiracy to keep Gordon’s presence from me, and now the fucker who’d murdered my mum and sister had my woman and daughter. I wasn’t sure how I was going to ever trust any of these men — or Flick — again, but that was a problem for another day. Today, my complete focus was on rescuing my family. I wouldn’t fail this time.

The tracker program finally loaded up. “Got him. He’s headed out of town. I don’t have cameras out there, but as far as I know, the only places around are abandoned. There’s no way to get out to a highway, so he ain’t making a run for it. He’s only got a fifteen-minute head start on us.”

My voice was more growl than not, but I didn’t give a fuck. “A lot can happen in fifteen fucking minutes. I’m getting my gear. Message me his final location as soon as you have it.”

I strode toward the door, barely hearing Scout telling Mac to not let me out of his sight. They could all go fuck themselves. They’d kept this shit from me, so they were at least partly to blame for where we were now. I didn’t need any of them to help me snipe that fucker and save my family.

I headed to the hidden back stairs and hurried down to the basement. We had cells down here and an armory. I kept my M40 sniper rifle there, and a few other toys. Those of us with little kids stored most of our firepower here. I didn’t want Lolly to ever be close to this stuff, even if it was locked up in a safe.

Solidly in mission mode, I collected everything I might need. Stripping my club colors off, I put on a shoulder harness with my M9 Beretta strapped in before I slipped the leather back on and added a spare clip to my collection. Once I had everything either on me or in a backpack, I grabbed the bag along with my rifle case and returned upstairs. When I got to the top, Eagle was there waiting, and a wave of uncertainty hit me. He’d been my spotter in the USMC. It’d been him, Mac and me for as far back as I could remember, but now Mac had torn that apart. Had Eagle?

“Don’t you fucking lie to me. Did you know too?”
