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A horrible thought had the blood draining from her face. She hoped he hadn’t hurt someone in order to obtain it. After him scaring off her attackers in some mysterious manner and the casual violence he’d used against Rodger, she wasn’t sure what to think about how he got jobs done. It was why she’d left his phone number with Jess. If she didn’t return home, her friend would have a starting point to track her down.

He gave her a smirk. “Nothing as nefarious as you’re thinking, I’m sure. I went to school with the owner. Nico and I are friends, so I simply called and asked for a favour. He delivered.”

She was fairly certain they weren’t merely friends. From what she’d seen so far, Daniil didn’t seem like the type to have innocent friendships. A waiter came and delivered entrées they hadn’t ordered. Juli raised an eyebrow in question.

“When I booked, I placed our order. If you don’t like what I’ve selected, I can get something else prepared for you. I don’t like to be bothered with waiters while I’m trying to enjoy my night, so prefer to pre-order my meal when I can. This is their Filetto di Pesce. The fish is Murray Cod.”

She nodded because really, what could she say to that? How rich was this guy? Was he really the Mr. Mikhailov?

“So, your last name is really Mikhailov?”

He gave her another smirk. “Yes, Julietta, I am really the Mr. Mikhailov behind Mikhailov Corp. I gather you’ve heard of me, or at least my company?”

That made her roll her eyes with a chuckle. “Of course, I’ve heard of you and your company. I just didn’t know what you looked like to realise it was you.” She shook her head. “I have no idea what you want with me. I’m nobody, with barely a cent to my name, while you … Hell, you’re richer than God!”

He reached across the small table and cupped her cheek in his palm. “A person’s wealth does not equal their worth. And you, solnyshka moto, are a rare and priceless gem in this world.”

He ran his thumb over her lips before releasing her to return to eating his entrée. Meanwhile, it took Juli a full minute to be able to breathe again, then another before she could focus enough to lift her fork and eat. She chewed on auto pilot, barely able to register what she was eating with the way her mind spun. He was treating her like a princess, while he was clearly ruthless with everyone else in his world. What would he be like when he got angry with her? Would he get violent? She’d overheard what he’d said to Rodger… that by raising his fist to her he’d lost any right to her. Did that mean he himself wasn’t violent toward women?

“I can see you have questions, krasivaya. Ask me anything.”

She swallowed the last bite of her fish and lowered her fork. Where to start?

“I have so many, I’m not sure where to begin.” She paused for a moment to wipe her mouth with her napkin. “Why did you give me a bodyguard? I thought you handled those two thugs last week. You told me not to worry about them.”

He set his own cutlery down, and within seconds a waitress appeared and cleared the table. Wow. Now that was fast service.

“It is true that you won’t ever have to worry about those particular thugs again. But since I interfered and saved you, then took you to my home, it’s become known that you are important to me. And in my world, there are those who will happily use you to hurt me. So, for your protection, I arranged for you to be guarded. They have been instructed to stay back and not interfere unless you require their aid. Like today.”

She rubbed her temples. She was struggling to wrap her head around all he’d just said.

“And to think I was grateful you saved me, but it turns out I’m in more danger now than I was before.”

She’d mumbled under her breath, but the way he stiffened in his seat indicated he’d heard her. She winced. Oops. Offending him probably wasn’t in her best interest.

“You are now safer than you have ever been. Tell me, Julietta, what would have happened today if Viktor wasn’t there to stop Rodger?”

Anger rose up. “He only came after me today because he’d seen your men around me all week.”

He tilted his head at her, as though she’d somehow just confirmed his point when she hadn’t.

“So he’s been watching you for at least the past week. Personally, I suspect he’s been doing it for a lot longer. Did you know your ex has quite the gambling problem? At a guess, he’s run out of money, so came to you in the hopes you’d give him more. Or perhaps he is truly stupid and wanted to ransom you to me for the funds he needs.” He shrugged. “Either way, I won’t allow him near you to try again.”

She clenched her hands into fists on the table. “What did you do to him? Actually, first, tell me what you did to those men the other night.”

He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. “I don’t believe you really want to know, nor do I think you should know. But since you keep asking me, I’ll tell you. I killed them, then had one of my men help me dispose of the bodies. They were nothing but scum, and the world is better off without them. Your ex is still breathing, for the moment. However, he will now find gambling in Sydney rather difficult no matter how much money he has.”

Juli’s mouth hung open at his brutal words. He spoke of death with such casualness. A tremor ran through her, and suddenly she wanted to leave. She didn’t want to be part of his world if it was filled with such bloodshed.

“I need to go now.”

She pushed back her seat, but Daniil was at her side by the time she stood. He’d been expecting her to react badly to what he’d been forced to do in order to save her. With a hand wrapped around the back of her neck, he brought her forward until she was pressed against him. She raised her palms, pushing them against his chest, but no way was he going to let her shove him away from her.

“Don’t run from me, krasivaya. I will never do you harm. I only hurt those who deserve it, never an innocent. I will not ever get you mixed up in my business, and I will never again tell you when I have had to get my hands dirty. I only told you about those men because you seemed to be obsessing over it, and I refuse to lie to you. I want you in my bed and in my life. I want to explore this chemistry we have between us.”

Before she could tell him some other bullshit reason she couldn’t be with him, Daniil lowered his mouth to hers and devoured her, loving her taste and the way her scent filled his lungs and made him feel lighter. Nipping at her lower lip, he pulled back from her.

“When I was a young boy, my mama told me that when I met the woman who was meant for me, I’d know. I thought she was crazy at the time, and I didn’t understand what she meant until I saw and spoke with you at the markets.” He paused to rub his thumb over her kiss-swollen lower lip. “You need to understand, krasivaya, a man like me, in my position, does not willingly take on a weakness, yet here I am, doing whatever I can to have you stay with me. And make no mistake, Julietta, you are already my biggest weakness.”
